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Google AdWords Follows Customers Around the Net With Remarketing. Google announced a new tool for users of the AdWords advertising platform: remarketing.

Google AdWords Follows Customers Around the Net With Remarketing

Since many consumers do not make up their minds right away, this function makes it possible to monetize on a customer in the future. Though a visitor comes to a site, looks around and shows interest in specific products or services, the majority will navigate away from the site before finalizing a purchase. But if the bit of remarketing code is on the site, then it will enable ads within the Google Content Network to be targeted based on that visitor's demonstrated preferences.

To clarify, the AdWords Blog gives the following example: A customer visits a travel site and browses Caribbean trips. Smart Cookies Put Targeted Online Ads On The Rise. Behavioral targeters need to find a balance between helpful and creepy. Zappos knows what you did last summer.

Behavioral targeters need to find a balance between helpful and creepy

Or maybe what you did last time you were on the Zappos website. The shoe seller is just one of many companies that tracks customer activity online to serve more relevant advertising. Such tools have has the ability to make product searches much easier online. But they also creep some people out. Vous Eric Alexis Fortier from Paris ? La bannière publicitaire se met au 2.0.