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Responsive Email Design | Campaign Monitor. If you read your email regularly using an Internet-enabled phone, you probably know that it's an experience that can swing from awesome to awful. While an email newsletter can look superb in the inbox, when squeezed onto a small screen, it can become absolutely unusable, with small fonts, narrow columns and broken layouts being common issues.

In this guide, we'll look at why designing for mobile has become a necessary skill for email designers, cover the fundamentals of designing and building a mobile-friendly email and back it all up with some neat tips and techniques. We'll assume you know a little about coding HTML for email, but if not, we've also got a couple of great guides to get you started.

Why optimize your email for mobile? If you send email newsletters, it's likely that a growing percentage of your subscribers are reading your messages on an iPhone, tablet or similar. Which mobile devices can you design for? Default device email clients 3rd-party email clients Design techniques. Responsive Email Design | Campaign Monitor. If you read your email regularly using an Internet-enabled phone, you probably know that it's an experience that can swing from awesome to awful. While an email newsletter can look superb in the inbox, when squeezed onto a small screen, it can become absolutely unusable, with small fonts, narrow columns and broken layouts being common issues. In this guide, we'll look at why designing for mobile has become a necessary skill for email designers, cover the fundamentals of designing and building a mobile-friendly email and back it all up with some neat tips and techniques.

We'll assume you know a little about coding HTML for email, but if not, we've also got a couple of great guides to get you started. Why optimize your email for mobile? If you send email newsletters, it's likely that a growing percentage of your subscribers are reading your messages on an iPhone, tablet or similar. Which mobile devices can you design for? Default device email clients 3rd-party email clients Design techniques. Emailing RWD - Approche. "C'est un peu comme si un scientifique fou décidait de ressusciter des dinosaures.

" @HTeuMeuLeu E-mailing classique Où les ennuis commencent... La réalisation d'e-mails graphiques en HTML, au pixel près ou presque, sur toutes les plates-formes, est une utopie. Ces clients mails et webmails qui font tout et n'importe quoi... n'aime pas les marges Outlook 2013 a le moteur de rendu de Word ! GMail ne tient pas compte de la balise <style> dans <head> ... Oubliez tout ce que vous croyiez savoir... Les tableaux, c'est le mal bien ! Vive les styles inline ! Ok, mais HTML 5 et CSS 3 ? Support des CSS : Campaign Monitor E-mailing et RWD Facile, on n'a qu'à utiliser les Medias Queries :) Ah oui... mais non ! GMail, Yahoo Mail, Microsoft Outlook Exchange ne tiennent pas compte des Medias Queries ! Deux possibilités : Ignorer ces clients et utiliser les Medias Queries Tenter de contenter tout le monde et utiliser l'approche Viewport L'approche Medias Queries Attention !

L'approche Viewport Images. Leemunroe/html-email-template. Easy Responsive Design Tutorial in 7 Steps. We've had a lot of questions about how to make a template responsive, and how responsive design works in general. Today, I'm going to take a template from 99designs (one that we wrote about in our 600+ Free Templates blog) and add responsive behavior to it so you can see how it's done. If you don't already have the template, go to their site and get it so that you can follow along. This blog is intended to illustrate how to apply responsive design to an existing template. For this tutorial, I am using the "newsletter blue" template, called "NEWSLETTER BLUE.html.

" You'll want to open it up in a text editor, and save a new version of it that you'll make responsive. 1. Add a Style Block. If you don't already have a style block, you're going to need one. The first media query will trigger for screens of less than 640 pixels in width. 2. Yahoo will render all of your media queries, regardless of whether or not they were triggered. 3. Now, we'll add this class to our media queries: 4. Becomes: Un e-mail en HTML responsive multi-clients. L'e-mail (ou newsletter) reste encore aujourd’hui un moyen efficace de transmettre des informations à ses utilisateurs ou clients. En mode texte, aucun problème, c'est un standard interprété sans difficulté.

En mode HTML c'est un art ô combien délicat en partie dû au nombre de clients lecteurs d'e-mail sur le marché qui ont des comportements bien différents (encore plus désormais que les navigateurs classiques). Cette disparité de l'interprétation des e-mails au format HTML provient de plusieurs facteurs : Les clients e-mails lourds (Outlook, Thunderbird, Lotus Notes...) ont un fonctionnement radicalement différents des webmails (Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Ces mêmes webmails imposent des règles très strictes sur le code HTML et CSS contenu dans les e-mails car les messages sont eux-mêmes affichés dans une structure de page web qui a ses propres styles. Entre autres, ne supporte pas les marges.

Quelques règles de base pour HTML et CSS Le Doctype Les liens.