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The ROI of Social Media: 10 Case Studies - TNW Social Media. The question of whether or not social media drives ROI still plagues many marketers and brands.

The ROI of Social Media: 10 Case Studies - TNW Social Media

The issue is not always as straightforward as it seems, as there are multiple ways to measure the benefits of social media and it isn’t as simple as looking for a direct sales return at one end, with the social media imput at the other. Smart tracking and measuring is needed to fully capture the benefit of a social media campaign and while looking for direct ROI is one way to do it, there are other values to be measure from social media marketing. I’ve put together a list of case studies that prove the ROI of social media, both through direct monetary return, customer loyalty, repeat traffic and more.

Viewing social media holistically to gain a better understanding of how it can work for you is more beneficial to any brand than looking for one single return. Social media outperforms banner ads Social media saved Cisco $100,000 Old Spice put their money where their mouth is ROI from Facebook ads. The Rules of Social Media Engagement Brian Solis. InShare1,645 A study published in 2010 surfaced a startling statistic, “75 percent of employers say their business has no formal policy instructing employees on the appropriate use of social networking sites on the job.”

The Rules of Social Media Engagement Brian Solis

The report, “Employer Perspectives on Social Networking,” compiled data from 34,000 businesses in 35 countries. Does your organization have a formal policy regarding employee use of social media? Perhaps better asked, does your organization offer training, guidelines, and insights to help employees excel in new media on behalf of your business? In the same study, 63% of employers that employed social networking policies reported that those policies improved productivity. Social Media represents the democratization of information and the equalization of influence. While many businesses are attempting to figure out the potential of social media and their voices and roles within relevant networks, many confuse effective engagement with everyday chatter. Training Day 1. 2. 3. Quel usage professionnel pour Twitter ?

Tout le monde entendu parlé de, ce service de MicroBlogging qui permet d’envoyer des messages de 140 caractères à ses correspondants.

Quel usage professionnel pour Twitter ?

Mais cet outil ne s’est pas encore démocratisé, et il est encore l’apanage d’une minorité férue de technologie. Pourtant cet outil recèle un énorme potentiel pour trouver des clients, améliorer le référencement d’un site internet, garder le contact avec ses prospects… C’est pourquoi nous allons vous présenter comment utiliser Twitter pour un usage professionnel. Pourquoi utiliser Twitter ? Au départ Twitter est un outil dont on ne voit pas trop l’intérêt, car si on veut envoyer un message il y a les emails, si on veut gérer ses contacts il y a Facebook, si on veut chatter il y a MSN, si on veut écrire des articles il y a les blogs et pour partager des liens intéressants il y a les Digg Likes… Alors pourquoi Twitter ?

Tout simplement un peu tout cela en même temps ! Voici quelques chiffres sur Twitter de : HOW TO: Measure Social Media ROI. Olivier Blanchard Basics Of Social Media Roi Defining Clear Goals As a standard formula, ROI is pretty basic, ROI = (X - Y) / Y, where X is your final value and Y is your starting value.

HOW TO: Measure Social Media ROI

In other words, if you invest $5 and get back $20, your ROI is (20 - 5) / 5 = 3 times your initial investment. In the financial sense, ROI is measured purely in the context of dollars and cents, however, the principles can really apply to any type of investment — monetary or not. Having concrete goals and concrete baselines is crucial to calculating your return on investment.

Once you have your goals defined, you need to gauge the baseline for your levels before starting or changing your social media strategy. Metrics Tools Although ROI ≠ metrics, traditional web metrics like traffic counts, number of comments, Twitter followers, Facebook fans, etc. are an important component when calculating your ROI. The trick is to not rely solely on the numbers, but on what the numbers end up leading to.