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Fallen Flag Railroad Photos. Railroad Picture Archives.NET. Martyn Welch Weathering - MARTYN WELCH - Railway model weathering specialist. Faded Paint Effect - Completed Faded Paint Effect on Model Trains. TWS ARTICLES. THE NOODLE. INDEX. Staining paper shingles - Weathering and Detailing - Model Railroad Forums - Paladin Administrator I have been playing around with staining of paper shingles Used Floquil paints diluted with Mineral Turps.

And worked with a fairly dry brush. This is not a quick method but it does give a fair amount of control. The top example was done by a friend and you can see he has managed to get a good feathering of the stains, The lower sample was my attempt, but I need practice. The insert is a sample of the lower sheet cut into strips and mixed up a bit, the result is not all that bad, but nothing like what I was trying to achieve. ____________________Don McL.