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Signature Converter. For a mobile application I'm working on, I needed a simple signature capture control. I found just such a control at the Code Project ( The code will capture a signature and actually convert it into bitmap coordinates. This will allow me to store much less data rather than full images. But at some point I'm going to want to convert these bitmap coordinates back into an image. And unfortunately, the signature capture project only provides Java code for performing this process. Well, if anyone else is interested, here is the Java code ported to C#. Using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; namespace Agilification public class SignatureConverter const int baseX = 25; const int baseY = 25; public static void Convert(String inputTxtFile, String outputGraphicsFile) for (int j = 0; j < v.Count; j++) return v; [MTAThread] try. Development Samples - OptiWiki. From OptiWiki This page lists some development samples (either C++ or C#) for commonly faced programming challenges.

Most of these samples are not dependent on one of the Opticon devices. All samples have been found on the Internet, and remain intellectual property of their respective owners. The samples are provided as is. Windows Mobile DevelopmentH 16 - H 19 SDK Description With the C++ or C# code from the attached forum, it is possible to enable or disable one of the radio devices from source on Windows Mobile 6 devices. Link/Destination Forum Applies to Windows Mobile 6 On Windows Mobile 6, you can turn off security settings, which then will allow you to install and run unsigned applications without questions.

Security Off CPF sample This sample uses the P/Invoke method to use standard API calls from the CoreDLL.dll. A full functional sample Windows Mobile 5Windows Mobile 6 To capture phonebuttons, the following code can be used. GPRS sample Bluetooth discovery sample Microsoft Signature Sample. Smart Device Development Category. MSDN Online Chats. Every Developer, Now a Mobile Developer! Windows Phone Central.