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Stage - The Pixel Lab 2011-Dina Foxx. TILT. Book / Contact. Storytelling: digital technology allows us to tell tales in innovative new ways. The Edinburgh international book festival begins this week, featuring a fortnight of storytelling and literati self-promotion.

Storytelling: digital technology allows us to tell tales in innovative new ways

Looking at the 17 packed days of a programme filled with debates, talks, readings and keynotes, I've noticed that there is virtually no reflection on the cards for the "dead tree" version of the story that is threatening to shake-up publishing's centuries-old foundation. More so, it is surprising given the "digital first" bent of its headline sponsor, the Guardian, that there's no mention of apps, digital extensions or the new, multiformatted way of telling stories that's emerging among a new and talented crop of content creators supported by innovative and risk-taking storytelling outlets.

But I admit, picking on the book festival is unfair; linear stories still dominate the page, our TVs, our radios, our games consoles and the theatre. Yet the process of telling a story doesn't have to be unidirectional. Rose believes stories are in an exciting period of flux. Get Clued In to The BBC Code Challenge. Storytelling Gets an Upgrade: Interaction Illustrated. By J.C.

Storytelling Gets an Upgrade: Interaction Illustrated

Hutchins, Novelist and Transmedia Storyteller In my previous post, I described how, using a combination of user-fueled curiosity, tactile interaction, and brilliant visual animations, authors can deliver narrative revelations that simply cannot be experienced using traditional storytelling techniques. Today, we take the narrative to the next level, adding even more rich interaction to our story.

Recall that this narrative is mostly text-based and presented as a well-crafted traditional novel or novella. (There’s no substitute for great writing.) Let’s pick up our near-futuristic detective thriller from where we left off: In the image above, the story’s “scanner” has correctly identified the mysterious villain, and the reader is rewarded with on-screen biographical information about the character.

The Tulse Luper Suitcases. The Tulse Luper Suitcases is a multimedia project by Peter Greenaway, initially intended to comprise four films, three "source" and one feature, a 16-episode TV series, and 92 DVDs, as well as Web sites, CD-ROMs and books.

The Tulse Luper Suitcases

Once the online Web-based portion of the project was completed, the "winner" having taken a trip following Tulse Luper's travels (and often imprisonment) during his first writings about the discovery of uranium in Moab, Utah in 1928 to his mysterious disappearance at the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the final, feature film was released.

Two books and three feature films were released to supply material to the Flash/Web designers who competed in a contest to make one of the 92 Flash-based "suitcase" games featured on the interactive, online site The Tulse Luper Journey. Films / DVDs[edit] Structure[edit] The project has been described by Greenaway as "a personal history of uranium" and the "autobiography of a professional prisoner". 92 suitcases Style[edit] Thomas Dolby Debuts The Floating City Transmedia Game. LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Best known as the singer/synthesist behind the Top 5 smash hit “She Blinded Me With Science” and as the co-inventor of the Beatnik polyphonic ringtone engine, Thomas Dolby today announced his latest creation: The Floating City is a rich transmedia game with a living world that changes and reacts to player contributions.

Thomas Dolby Debuts The Floating City Transmedia Game

It uses web browsers, social networks, and even smart phones and iPads as a way for fans to access his latest musical endeavors. “Thomas Dolby is to Steampunk what Iggy Pop was to Punk!” The Floating City is open for registration from today at < Gameplay commences on June 22nd at 5 p.m. GMT (1 p.m. ET in the U.S.). Pottermore: Initial Observations. Jay-Z "Decoded" Campaign Wins Integrated Grand Prix And Titanium At Cannes. Musical celebrities were all over Cannes this year, but only Jay-Z is actually picking up hardware.

Jay-Z "Decoded" Campaign Wins Integrated Grand Prix And Titanium At Cannes

New York agency Droga5 continued its hot streak at the Cannes International Festival of Creativity with big wins for its Bing/Jay-Z "Decoded" campaign in the key Titanium/Integrated Lions category. Transmedia Producers Group News. Story architect of film, tv and games » Case Study – Pandemic. Kaiser Chiefs - Create your album. Harper's Globe Interactive Experience. Game of Thrones Gets Interactive on HBO Go — Online Video News.

Kaiser Chiefs - Create your album. Test Subjects Needed. Millennium series. Etude de cas: Write All Night, un jeu de la New York Public Library. Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Trailer‬‏ “See it again for the first time” – Star Wars, la saga d’une œuvre inachevable. “George Lucas est l’Abel Gance du XXIème siècle”.

“See it again for the first time” – Star Wars, la saga d’une œuvre inachevable

Cette phrase que j’ai entendu d’un membre de la rédaction d’Allociné.com résume parfaitement la situation dans laquelle se trouve le créateur de la saga Star Wars, depuis longtemps élevée au rang d’œuvre essentielle du cinéma. Depuis 1977 et la sortie fracassante du premier épisode, les six volets n’ont cessé de faire partie des films “cultes” à voir (et à avoir) absolument. Plusieurs évènements font de 2011 une “année Star Wars” : la sortie du nouveau Star Tours, attraction phare des parcs Disney, et l’édition sur Blu-ray disc des six longs métrages, à paraître au mois de septembre. Cependant, Star Wars est aussi connu pour la relation tumultueuse entre George Lucas et ses fans par rapport aux multiples versions qui existent de la trilogie originale (et même de la seconde), essayant vainement de faire oublier les premières versions de La Guerre des étoiles, de L’Empire contre-attaque et du Retour du Jedi de 1977, 1980 et 1983.

LAKE MUNGO - The Film. The Witness, le premier film sur l’Outernet « Fais-Moi Jouer ! Play Thomas Dolby’s new game, “The Floating City” The Floating City is a rich multiplayer transmedia game within a living world based around Thomas Dolby’s latest musical endeavors.

Play Thomas Dolby’s new game, “The Floating City”

“The Floating City is set against a dystopian vision of the 1940s that might have existed had WWII turned out a lot differently,” says Dolby. A global energy experiment went haywire, the Earth’s magnetic fields have been reversed, and the planetary climate system violated. Science has betrayed us: now what must the species do to survive? Winter Is Coming. (A Transmedia Fiction Experience with J.C.) Making of…HBO IMAGINE INTEGRATED CAMPAIGN / BBDO NEW YORK « Transmedia Camp 101. L'ARG de Super 8, résumé et timeline.