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Social media can be a crucial tool in the new print media business models. Social media did not kill print media (at least not yet..)

Social media can be a crucial tool in the new print media business models

Print journalism refused to acknowledge a threat from social media in last week’s gripping Big Debate; ‘Print media is dead – long live social media’. Instead Neil Isaacson, successfully arguing against the motion, pointed out the unique user experiences of each medium and how embracing social media’s potential was integral for the continuing success of print media in the digital age. Drawing on his experience as the Managing Director of SAB Media, the exclusive licensee of The Times and The Sunday Times (Middle East & Asia Editions) in the region, Neil crossed swords with Alan Devereux, Communications Officer for the British Business Group Dubai & Northern Emirates.

The evening was moderated by Dawn Metcalfe, the Managing Director of Performance Development Services. He added: “Print media remains an affordable and tangible resource of news, commentary and debate. Hollywoodonomics: how Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix "lost" $167M. Last summer, Deadline released this balance-sheet ("participation statement") detailing the alleged financial state of the corporate entity struck to run the Warner Bros movie "Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix.

Hollywoodonomics: how Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix "lost" $167M

" The movie, which had grossed nearly $1B at the time, was nevertheless running $167M in the red. The losses are largely attributable to to prints and advertising/marketing -- and, as many commenters on the original post point out, a major recipient of that marketing budget would have been Warner's itself, in the guise of its other media divisions. Another culprit is high interest fees, though the film didn't have outside financing, so Deadline speculates that the loan note was also held by Warner's. As one dealmaker tells me: "If this is the fair definition of net profits, why do we continue to pretend and go through this charade?

Judging by this, no movie is ever, ever going to go to pay off on net participants. STUDIO SHAME! Kiefer Sutherland Proves Online Video Can Be Profitable — Online Video News. France des réseaux : pouvoirs et influences des réseaux en France. Simon Staffans: Can Transmedia be a Cash Cow? June 8, 2011 Not all transmedia projects can be as lucrative as The Matrix (photo): but they can help you make money.

Simon Staffans: Can Transmedia be a Cash Cow?

Here's how! By Simon Staffans I firmly believe that creating a viable business plan – a plan that fits logically with the content without compromising it – can be as much of a challenge when it comes to transmedia as creating the content itself. It’s also one of the most interesting points in my opinion as a creative person; if our transmedia projects make money, that means we will get to go on doing them and also get the opportunity to create new transmedia installments. In this post, I will look at some ways in which transmedia can benefit your project and your production, not only with regards to storytelling, but also with regards to the financial side. Now, what is this thing you call “transmedia”?

In a good post on Tribeca’s “Future of Film” blog, Nick DeMartino looks at data, the big film studios and social media. So… what are you waiting for? Virtual Goods Economy Group News.