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Développeur Front-End - H/F - Toulon - Quaelead. EsoTalk - Free, Open-Source Forum Software. Index. PHP Bug Lost - A debug console and monitor tool for PHP scripts. Un lien permanent raccourci - LOGBOOK. CSS-Tricks Snippet Feed. Responsive images using cookies | Keith Clark. A while ago now, I tweeted about using cookies as a means of serving images to a browser based on the size of the device viewport. Scott Jehl has already implemented the idea into a branch of his responsive images script but now that I have a platform to document my ideas I’ve decided to write up my approach to responsive images. CSS media queries allow us to develop flexible designs that adapt to the device rendering them.

Initially designers worked in a “desktop-down” fashion designing for large screen sizes, working down to the smallest. This approach has since been challenged and now projects such as Mobile Boilerplate and ‘ 320 and Up ‘ are encouraging a “mobile-up” approach to design. When it comes to imagery it doesn’t matter which way you choose to implement responsive design because you’ll always end up with the same problem; the dimensions of the images used in a page will always be dictated by the largest screen resolution you designed for. Enter cookies… <? <! How it works Summary. GBCF-v3 - Secure and Accessible PHP Contact Form - Browser.php – Detecting a user’s browser from PHP | Chris Schuld's Blog. A More Useful 404 - PHP Edition | Chris Parsons.

Creating a Twitter OAuth Application. OAuth can be a tricky concept to wrap your head around at first, but with the Twitter API now requiring its use, it is something you need to understand before creating a Twitter application. This tutorial will introduce you to OAuth, and walk you through the process of creating a basic application. Introduction In this tutorial, we will be building a simple app that allows users to apply different effects to their Twitter avatar. In order to work with the Twitter API, we must use OAuth to authorize our app to make requests on the user's behalf. Our application flow will be something like this: The user is asked to connect with Twitter.The user is presented a list of preview avatars to select from.Upon selection, the user is presented a confirmation screen showing the original and new avatar for comparison.

Setup To start, we should set up our source directory. Here's what your directory tree should look like: tutorial cssimglibtmp (writable) Register Your Application Authentication Downloading.