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Ajout du bouton +1 à votre site - API du bouton +1 - Google Code. Documentation You can add and customize the +1 button to meet the needs of your website, such as modifying the button size and load technique. By adding the +1 button to your website, you allow your users to recommend your content to their circles and drive traffic to your site. The +1 button can also improve the time spent on your site by providing recommendations for further reading. Use of the +1 button is subject to the Google+ Platform Buttons policy. Getting started A simple button The easiest method for including a +1 button on your page is to include the necessary JavaScript resource and to add a +1 button tag: The script must be loaded using the HTTPS protocol and can be included from any point on the page without restriction. . +1 tag To render a simple +1 tag: You can also use a HTML5-valid +1 tag by setting the class attribute to g-plusone, and prefixing any button attributes with data-.

By default, the included script traverses the DOM and renders +1 tags as buttons. Configuration. 15 Places to Find Great FontsTutorial Blog. CSS Hacks - Some code from hoofei. Appliquer plusieurs RewriteRule a une RewriteCond. Posté par RDD le 31 jan 2011 dans Apache | 9 commentaires Aujourd’hui, petit billet sur l’url-rewriting pour la mise en place d’une règle très spécifique : l’application de plusieurs RewriteRule pour une seule RewriteCond. Pour ceux qui ont déjà été confronté au problème, la méthode consistait à reprendre la RewriteCond et à la recopier avant chaque RewriteRule devant s’y appliquer. Mais pour des raisons de lisibilité (j’aime le code indenté, alors un .htaccess doit également être propre), il existe une astuce permettant d’appliquer plusieurs règles (RewriteRule) à une seule condition (RewriteCond).

Voici comment procéder : Avant de commencer, je vais prendre un exemple simplissime ou vous souhaiteriez rediriger un ancien domaine vers un nouveau. A vous d’adapter cet exemple à votre cas. Comment faisiez vous avant ? Comment fait on maintenant ? Pour traduire ces deux lignes en langage compréhensible, cela signifie : « Si le domaine N’EST PAS (=> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !

Maitriser le délai d'affichage des fontes. Avantages et inconvénients des deux solutions Ces deux manières de gérer l’affichage des polices personnalisées fait l’objet d’un débat assez virulent chez les web designers anglo-saxons. Il est difficile, voire impossible de départager les deux camps car les avantages des uns sont les inconvénient des autres et réciproquement. Mais de quoi parle-t-on exactement ? Afficher les fontes uniquement après leur chargement Le principal avantage de cette technique est que vous avez un meilleur contrôle de votre design.

Vous ne risquez pas de vous retrouver avec une fonte toute moche à la place de votre police d’origine. Par contre, si par malheur votre police met du temps à se télécharger, il n’y a rien à lire. Afficher les fontes de substitution en attendant le chargement De l’autre coté, afficher le texte avec les polices de substitution prévues dans la chaîne CSS permet au navigateur d’afficher le texte dès que possible, même si la fonte personnalisée n’est pas encore là. Limiter le clignotement. » Javascript, CSS, and (X)HTML entities in numeric order :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained. Named HTML entities in numeric order Below are the entities listed in numeric order with definition and ISO numeric code. CSS 'content' does not accept named entities or regular numeric entities such as @, but does render ASCII text and unicode. If you want to replace the bullets in a bulleted list with a different character, perhaps a ♥ or · you would need to use the unicode entity rather than the named or numeric entity: use the hexadecimal entity.

JavaScript Special Characters / Entities If you want to include characters in JavaScript, the process is very similar to the CSS inclusion method, except : in JavaScript use octal-encoded characters without a preceding 0 instead of the HTML entity for the normal chars, and the hex character preceded by a \u for all other characters.. alert('M\351nage \340 trois.') Notes: Named entities, numeric entities and ISO numeric codes Special characters for (X)HTML Latin-1 entity set for HTML Latin Extended-A Latin Extended-B Spacing Modifier Letters Greek. Make your Twitter profile sidebar transparent | Social Media Marketing Consultant Blog. Yep, you can make your twitter sidebar transparent with this handy little bit of script.

Its fast and simple to do and can look pretty cool. No big deal really but a nice touch that allows the more creative types out there to make the sidebar much more interesting with a well placed graphic or indeed to simply let more of the background show through. Best you follow these steps in Firefox or Internet Explorer as Chrome doesn’t like it much!

I tested this out and here is how you can do it to: Step One – Login to twitter and select “edit your profile” then select the “Design” section on to this link Step Two – Grab the code below: javascript:d=document;c=d.createElement('script');d.body.appendChild(c);c.src='';void(0); **Big thanks to João Pedro Carvalho Motta for the original code. Final Step – Hit the save button at the bottom of the Design page and your done! 18 façons d'envoyer des mails dans le futur. On n’est jamais assez prévoyant, surtout pour les dates d’anniversaire et des trucs qu’on doit se rappeler à soi-même. ou à d’autres! Voilà 15 façons d’envoyer des mails dans le futur. A quoi ça peut bien servir? Mis à part l’aspect ludique de pouvoir envoyer un mail dans 100 ans, en partant du principe que le serivice existe encore, que le mail des correspondants aussi, que les correspondants soient encore en vie!

Quel sont les usages ? Envoyer un mail de rappel à soi même? Si vous parlez un peu l’anglais ce service vous permet d’écrire un mail et de fixer une date d’envoi en écrivant par exemple “in five minutes” ou en donnant une date 31th october 2011 7 pm” Ce dernier service permet d’envoyer un mail vers le future directement à partir de notre boîte email il suffit juste de modifier la syntaxe du mail : exemple : le mail de votre correspondant est il sufira d’écrire à Creating And Distributing Presentations On The Web - Smashing Magazine. 5 Free Annotation and Collaboration Tools for Web Projects. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. Specific, contextual feedback is crucial for teams collaborating online, which is why it's so important to make receiving it as fast, efficient and easy as possible. Asking for feedback can be tedious and is often done out of context, for example, via e-mail. However there are numerous tools available to make the task of gathering and giving feedback for web projects simpler and swifter. This article is interested in those that focus on annotation and are available freely to the widest possible audience. Here are five of the best free tools to annotate and collaborate on the web. 1. MarkUp lets you express your thoughts and ideas quickly and easily on any webpage. 2. Bounce is a lightweight application for giving quick feedback on a web page. 3. 4. 5.

Are you currently using any of these tools? PHP Upload Class: Simple and Flexible Script. Learning and handling of PHP upload class by TutorialChip is very easy and flexible. I have also given a complete demo and usage in the download archive for your understanding, and i am going to explain the installation of this class step by step online as well. Client Side Tutorial: File Upload HTML Form It is the very important step to prepare the form for uploading files. First important thing is to set “enctype” attribute in the form tag. i.e enctype=”multipart/form-data”PHP Upload Class is very powerful as it can handle “Single/Multiple” uploads easily, So you have to define the file input as an array i.e upload_file[]. You can view in the given code snippet. File Upload Form: Single File Example File Upload Form: Multiple File Example Server Side Tutorial As we have already prepared our form to send data to the PHP server to upload files.

Auto Detection of Script Directory Include “class.chip_upload.php” You have to include PHP upload file in your file at the suitable position you think. Speed Up Your Site with Delayed Content. Speed remains one of the most important factors influencing the success of any website, and the first rule of performance (according to Yahoo!) Is reducing the number of HTTP requests. Over the last few years we’ve seen techniques like sprites and combo CSS/JavaScript files used to reduce the number of HTTP requests. But there’s one area where large numbers of HTTP requests are still a fact of life: the small avatars attached to the comments on articles like this one.

Avatars Many sites like 24 ways use a fantastic service called Gravatar to provide user images. <div><h4><a href=" src=" The Gravatar URL contains two parts. 100 is the size in pixels of the image we want. 13734b0cb20708f79e730809c29c3c48 is an MD5 digest of Drew’s e-mail address. So what’s wrong with avatars? These images aren’t critical to the page, and don’t need to be loaded up front.

Delaying image loading HTML5 data what? Let’s see this in action. Embedding Slideshare presentations as HTML/JavaScript. Alternatives à PayPal.