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Recording Telephone Conversations. Guidance on the principle, ethics and practice of recording telephone conversations for Remote Interviews and Oral History.

Recording Telephone Conversations

Introduction When recording interviews and conversations for educational and research purposes, it is not always practical or even possible to have all parties in the same room. Sometimes a telephone conversation is the closest you are going to get to your subject, so here we look at the simplest ways to record a telephone call, and the legalities of doing so. We also have a document covering the capture of recordings from the newer medium of voice calling via the internet (VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol) using software such as RTP and Skype.

Audio Feedback - A How-To Guide. This document provides a simple step-by-step guide to creating and embedding audio feedback using Microsoft Word 2000 and 2007, the most common format for student text works.

Audio Feedback - A How-To Guide

There is also a mention of embedding audio in PDFs, which is discussed at the end of this document, with a link to the appropriate Adobe online resource. Introduction Audio feedback is becoming an increasingly common method of delivering high quality feedback to students in a non-text based manner. The Physical Principles of Sound. An introductory guide to the physical properties of sound and a basic introduction to the acoustics of enclosed spaces.

The Physical Principles of Sound

To aid the understanding of any technical matters relating to sound, as often the case with any discipline, it is crucial to understand the fundamental scientific principles of the subject and how they are commonly interpreted. This guide offers an introduction to the basic physics of sound including the build up of sound waves and their properties, the speed of sound, how it is shaped in acoustical environments, and how treatment can be applied to listening rooms. This document does not, on the whole, provide advice, but presents information for reference with which to aid an overall understanding of sound in a practical working environment. The Physics of Sound. Microphone Guide.