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HAUTE COUTURE POUR "Bébé" | Le Jersey Marica. Ho da poco comperato il libro di Sylvie loussier:”Haute couture pour bébè”( con Amazon italia, ho un contratto prime , pagando 10 euro le consegne-rapidissime-sono pagate per un anno) ed è assolutamente delizioso, anche solo da guardare. Ci sono modelli di maglia Questo è un completo cardigan-pantaloni-berretto e calzine Le misure sono:0/3-6/9-12 mesi si lavora con i ferri 2,5 e 3 e con un gioco di ferri a doppie punte 2,5 5 bottoni si lavora tutto con i ferri 2,5 misure capo finito larghezza-24cm(26-28) lunghezza-20cm(22-24) manica allo scalfo-12 cm(14-17) Si lavora a legaccio campione:37 m x 72 ferri(!)

Al bordo in basso e ai polsi vengono riprese le maglie e si fa un volant a coste 4/4 attorno allo scollo si riprendono le m e si fa un collettino a m rasata che si arrotolerà naturalmente. Montare 90m( 98-106) con i ferri 2,5 e lavorare a legaccio. A 12cm(13-14) formare i raglan chiudendo ai lati 1 volta 3m, poi, a 3 m dal bordo: a)1 ogni 2 ferri,3 volte una dim doppia e e 25 volte una dim semplice .

Crafts: Free Knitting Pattern Knit a Onesie for Baby. Cabled & Sailor Bubble Suits Knit Patterns ePattern (scroll down for the free pattern)Your little ones are sure to be as cute as can be in this precious knitted bubble suit. This design is knitted using sport weight yarn and size 3 (3.25 mm) and 5 (3.75 mm) straight needles.Find More Free Knitting Patterns Online.... Pattern used by permission from Leisure Arts (see note at the bottom of the page from LA)Check out our Patterns and Books to download on Amazon...

--> Approximate Sizes: 3, 6, 12 months Size: 3{6-12} months Finished Measurement: 20{22-24}"/51{56‑61} cm Size Note: Instructions are written for size 3 months, with sizes 6 and 12 months in braces { }. Sport Weight Yarn, approximately: 3{31/2-41/4} ounces, 375{440-535} yards [90{100-120} grams, 343{402‑489} meters] Straight knitting needles, sizes 3 (3.25 mm) and 5 (3.75 mm) or sizes needed for gauge Cable needle Stitch holders - 5 Snap tape - 5" (12.5 cm) Buttons - 3 Yarn needle Sewing needle and thread Row 4: Purl across. Free Knitting Patterns | Download Free Crochet Patterns UK | Beginners & Advanced. Free Patterns. Foliage Lace Mitts | Sassy Cupcake.

As you may have seen in my last post, I have been working on a lace shawl. I began knitting it last summer but was a bit too frustrated with the pace of knitting lace (slow) as well as the amount of concentration required for such an endeavor (lots). I put it away with the best intentions of coming back to it at some point. That point happened to be a full year later on the eve before I embarked to California. I hadn’t been knitting anything, and decided that I needed a project to work on while waiting in airports, train stations, or needed some downtime. I remembered this little number that was so compact and yet time-intensive.

Alas, after all of the progress I have made on said shawl, the weather is turning colder and I am hearing the beckoning call of worsted weight yarn. You remember the time I was without internet? Foliage Lace Mitts These cozy mitts are embellished with a lacy foliage stitch. Gague- 6 sts/inch Needles- US 5 DPNs Notions- Row counter, tapestry needle, scissors Thumb. Un coup d'oeil dans la chambre des secrets. Tänä vuonna aika moni yllättynee saadessaan minulta käsintehdyn joulunaluslahjan. Koska tavallisesti en juurikaan joululahjoja tee tai osta, voin aivan hyvin paljastaa sesonkisalaisuuksia täällä, sillä kukaan ei saata tietää, onko juuri hän vai joku muu lahjontani kohteena. Yhdestä yllätyspaketista putkahtavat kuvan huovutetut tumput. Ne on neulottu kirpputorilta löydetystä epämääräisen ruskeakirjavasta kaksisäikeisestä paksuhkosta hahtuvalangasta 5 mm puikolla. Neulepinta oli melko tiivistä jo ennen huovutusta, mutta pyöräytys 60 asteen lyhyellä ohjelmalla muun pyykin mukana teki sen minkä pitikin: tumpuista tuli ihanan paksut, tiiviit ja suorastaan unelmanpehmeät.

Hetken aikaa mietiskelin, miten piristäisin tylsähkön yksivärisiä tumppuja: kirjailisinko kukkia tai kenties linnun jalanjälkiä. Onneksi törmäsin ajoissa käsityöpöydälleni jääneisiin pöllöaihioihin, jotka viimeistelin nappisilmillä ja jotka kiinnitin tumppuihin pykäpistoin. Aika kivat tumput, sanoisin. Bas 03 onzièmes - Aide - des gens de mer. Keväällä 2011 neuletuttavani haastoi minut mukaan neulomaan villasukkia suomalaisille merimiehille. Koska paksuille sukkalangoille on melko vähän sukkamalleja, päätin suunnitella pari yksinkertaista palmikkomallia, jotka soveltuisivat niin miehille kuin naisillekin. Näissä palmikoissa saattaa nähdä vaikkapa laivan peräaaltoja tai toisiinsa kiertyviä köysiä. Lanka ja langan menekki Novita 7 Veljestä (75 % villaa, 25 % polyamidia; 150 g / 300 m), 150 g keskisinistä (160) tai tummanvihreää (391) Neuletiheys 22 s ja 28 krs sileää neuletta = 10 cm Puikot Sukkapuikot tai vähintään 80 cm pitkä pyöröpuikko, 3,5 mm tai käsialan mukaan Muut tarvikkeet Ylimääräinen sukkapuikko tai palmikkopuikko Koko Mies.

Ohje Sininen oikean jalan sukka Varsi Luo 56 silmukkaa ja jaa ne tasaisesti 4:lle sukkapuikolle (tai pyöröpuikolle, mikäli haluat neuloa magic loop -tekniikalla). Kantapää ja kiilakavennukset Kantalappu neulotaan kerroksen ensimmäisillä 28 silmukalla. Neulo pyöreä kantapää seuraavasti: Kärki Vihreät sukat. Photo n ° 1 - Tricotage - Fleur55555. Уведомления Все уведомления <div style="border:10px solid red;padding:20px;text-align:center"><img src=" настройках вашего браузера отключен JavaScript. К сожалению, наш сайт (как и многие другие) не может показываться вам нормально без этого компонента. <a href=" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:underline">Инструкции по включению JavaScript</a>.

</div> Вязание Фото 16 из 54 :: ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ → Вязание :: Все альбомы Fleur55555 #gallery 60442256 Вам необходимо авторизоваться для того, чтобы оставлять отзывы. +Оригинал Все размеры HTML и BB код Статистика Просмотров: 19 2 сегодня Размещено: 18 месяцев назад новостиразмещение рекламыблагодарностисвязь с администрациейответы на вопросысмс вопросы и ответы "Leaves" Fingerless ... by valknitting | Knitting Pattern. Knitted Ribbed (Welted) Toe Baby Booties.

Shown above are a large 4 1/4” bootie and a small 3 1/2" one, using the pattern below. The pattern and illustrations are for knitting the large bootie. Numbers in parentheses are for the small bootie. Do a 4”x4” gauge swatch with the needles of your choice. For both of the booties shown below the following was used, but you may use any yarn or needles you wish, as the directions below are in terms of finished measurements: Moda Dea Baby Talk, Lemon Yellow, #3 Wt Needles: Size 4 Gauge: 6 st = 1 inch Large booties: finished length 4 1/4” (illustrated in steps below) Small booties: finished length 3 1/2” (numbers are given in parentheses) After determining your gauge, cast on enough stitches for a width of 5” (4”).

Welts (four rows of purl bumps on reverse stockinette "hills" of welt; four rows of plain stockinette in "valleys" of welts): R1: K R2: P R3: K R4: P R5: P R6: K R7: P R8: K Figure 1 Figure 2 The welt patterned portion is the toe of the bootie. Figure 3 Turn bootie right side out. International Knitting Patterns. Les tricots de Louise. LEGGINGS-PANTALONCINI. | La Maglia di Marica. Vi lascio per il week end questo doppio regalo: cardigan -pantaloni e berretto per lui e tunichetta per lei, visto il tempo terrificante che in questo momento abbiamo in Italia, mi sembra carino stare in casa, con il camino acceso (se lo avete, altrimenti potete sempre mettere un dvd_caminetto: su Amazon, qui.. e intanto ve lo offro io: e lavorare a maglia….

Io abito in collina, in una zona tutta dedicata alla montagna: via Cortina D’ampezzo, Courmayeur ecc, e penso che presto però a causa di tanta acqua scenderemo a ..valle e magari dentro il Tevere, sotto casa mia infatti c’è Ponte Milvio, dove normalmente il Tevere esonda, speriamo che il ponte che ha resistito per oltre 2000 anni, continui a tenere…..Ps.Ho provato ad uscire di casa..sulla strada che scende a valle,via Misurina un muro è crollato, il tratto di Cassia Antica che porta alla piazza è bloccato, tutti i sotto passi chiusi, fila a passo d’uomo per andare sulla Flaminia o Corso Francia..

Il Tevere è arrivato al ponte.. Free - Dream in Color. Knitting Spring Flowers « Knitted flowers are quick, simple, and lovely. A hand-knit flower can be sewn onto another knitting project or made into a brooch, hair ornament, or given on its own as a gift. The best part– they use very little yarn, and are a great way to use up beautiful scraps! Here is a pattern I cooked up for a flower with individual petals– you can see it at the center and bottom left of the photo above. Yarn: Pretty much anything with stitch definition (not too fuzzy or novelty).

For the pictured flowers, I used Debbie Bliss Pure Silk DK (white) and a double strand of Rowan Kidsilk Haze (pink). Needle Size: A few sizes smaller than the yarn calls for. Abbreviation s: K- Knit CO- Cast on ssk- Slip slip knit. Pattern: CO 6 sts using a knitted cast on. Row 1: *K1, CO1 on right needle as shown, K1, CO1, K1* repeat once more. (10 sts) Row 2 and all even rows: Purl across. Row 3: *K1, CO1, K3, CO1, K1* repeat once more. (14 sts) Row 5: K1, CO1, K4, ssk, k2tog, K4, CO1, K1. (14 sts) Now you have a petal!

Modèles tricot layette, tricot enfant, tricot femme, tricot homme du MOIS Tricot layette - Modèles tricot et laines - tricot layette - tricot femme - tricot homme - tricot bébé. CARDIGAN | La Maglia di Marica | Pagina 11. Ancora la primavera scorsa avevo comperato da Loop, a Londra questa lana, in matassa, piuttosto rustica all’aspetto : Si chiama : Shilasdair, dal nome in gaelico di una pianta, un Iris tipico di questa isola scozzese di SKYE. Non l’avevo ancora lavorata e così me la sono riportata a Londra in quest’ultima occasione ( sapete che noi drogate non ci facciamo mancare nulla..): hai visto mai ,ho pensato, che comincio un lavoro e poi non mi basta la lana.. e infatti ho iniziato un cardigan per Flavia(ça va sans dire..) e poi me ne è avanzata ancora per uno scamiciatino da abbinarci.

Infatti rende molto:la matassa di 50 gr è lunga 200 metri: “Luxury 4 Ply yarn dyed with natural dyes. 10% Cashmere, 10% Baby Camel,40% Angora and 40% British Merino Lambswool. 200 metres (220 yards) approx 50 grams (1 3/4 ounces) I colori naturali di queste pecore vanno dal marrone al verde, la lana poi viene tinta solo con i colori dei fiori e di tutte le piante dell’isola. Comunque ,eccovi il risultato: ferri 4 2-4- anni. | Knit Rowan. Ginevra - Free Knitting Patterns - Hat & Glove Patterns. Left arm NOTE: the armwarmers are worked from the top cuff down Using 6.5mm needles, cast on 32 sts ? Row 1: * k2, p2, rep from * to end ? Rep Row 1 twice more ? Row 4 (inc row): work in rib for eight sts, m1, rib eight, m1, rib eight, m1, rib to end. 35 sts Change to 7mm needles ? Row 5: k2, p1, k4, p1, k1, p2, k4, (p1, k1) three times, k3, p2, k1, p1, k4, p1, k2 ?

Row 6: p2, k1, p4, k1, p1, k2, p3, (k1, p1) four times, p2, k2, p1, k1, p4, k1, p2 ? Row 7: k2, p1, C4B, p1, k1, p2, k4, (p1, k1) three times, k3, p2, k1, p1, C4F, p1, k2 ? Work as for Left arm until split for thumb ? With 6.5mm needles, cast on 14 sts ? Work all four edges the same) With RS facing using 6.5mm needles and starting at corner edge pick up and k 46 sts evenly down one side of work Row 1: * p2, k2, rep from * to last two sts, p2 Row 2: * k2, p2, rep to last two sts, k2 Row 3: As Row 1 Cast off Making up Sew first two rows of thumb together to make tube shape. Claudya Mittens - Free Knitting Patterns - Hat & Glove Patterns. Meredith baby dress - Free Knitting Patterns - Kids Patterns.

Miriam Pattern - Free Knitting Patterns - Hat & Glove Patterns. Helen Ardley's soft and chunky mittens – perfect for hard working hands! Mittens have been a fashionable accessory for years now, seen all over the highstreet and catwalks alike. One noticeable progression is that they get chunkier by the year, which is great news for knitters looking for a quick project. As well as keeping you warm, they’re a wonderful addition to a plain winter coat! Knit Knowledge Right mitten Using 5.5mm needles, cast on 30 stsRow 1: k2 * p2, k2 rep from * to endRow 2: p2, * k2, p2 rep from * to endThese two rows form the ribCont in rib for 7cmChange to 6mm needles and work in patt as folls:Row 1: k3, p1, k1, yfwd, k2, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k2, yfwd, k1, p1, k16Row 2: p16, k1, p9, k1, p3Row 3: k3, p1, k2, yfwd, k1, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k1, yfwd, k2, p1, k16Row 4: as Row 2Row 5: k3, p1, k3, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k3, p1, k16Row 6: as Row 2Rep rows 1-4 Shape thumb Knit thumb Shape top Left mitten Join thumb seam Shape top Work as Right mitten. Modèles tricot gratuits. Mailles archive at L. C’est pas que je ne tricote plus. C’est juste que je suis moins assidue. C’est que je tricote le soir et que rapidement je ne vois plus rien (eh oui !). C’est que j’ai tellement de trucs à finir que je ne sais plus donner d’ordre prioritaire aux encours. Alors quand je vois une laine si douce, qui se tricote en 10 voire 12, mon sens des priorités est tout vu !

Laine The Wool, chez We Are Knitters, achetée à Lyon chez Nyack. Des bonnets taille adulte en série ! Bonnet taille adulte point mousse ou jersey : Avec des aiguilles 10, monter 41 mailles et tricoter en côtes 2/2 pendant 8 rangs. A 14 cm de hauteur totale, commencer les diminutions : 1 ère dim. : *6m, 2m ens* (5 fois), 1 m = 36 m tricoter le rang envers 2 ème dim. : *5m, 2m ens* (5 fs), 1 m = 31 m tricoter le rang envers 3 ème dim. : *4m, 2m ens* (5 fs), 1 m = 26 m tricoter le rang envers 4 ème dim. : *3m, 2m ens* (5 fs), 1 m = 21 m tricoter le rang envers 5 ème dim. : *2m, 2m ens* (5 fs), 1 m = 16 m tricoter le rang envers.