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Microsoft Mesh feels like the virtual future of Microsoft Teams meetings. Last week, Microsoft’s Alex Kipman, the inventor of Kinect and HoloLens, appeared in my living room to hand me jellyfish and sharks.

Microsoft Mesh feels like the virtual future of Microsoft Teams meetings

That might sound like I had a weird dream, but it was a meeting made possible through Microsoft’s new Mesh platform. I donned a HoloLens 2 headset, joined a virtual meeting room, and Kipman immediately appeared next to my coffee table, ready to demonstrate Microsoft’s vision for the future of VR and AR — or as Microsoft calls it, mixed reality. It all felt like a Microsoft Teams meeting set in the future. Mesh is a collaborative platform that allows anyone to have shared virtual experiences on a variety of devices.

“This has been the dream for mixed reality, the idea from the very beginning,” explains Kipman. Initially, Mesh will present people as virtual avatars taken from the AltspaceVR social network that Microsoft acquired back in 2017. It was the next best thing to having Kipman in the room with me and reminded me of my first experience with HoloLens. Hubs by Mozilla. High-Performing LinkedIn Video Templates. Japan: Land of the Rising Robots. Japan: Land of the Rising Robots September 27, 2018 Robots help travelers find their way in Japan’s airports and train stations.

Japan: Land of the Rising Robots

(iStock by Getty Images/ TeerawatWinyarat) In Japan, deaths outnumber births by 1,000 people per day on average. The population in some regions is now smaller than what it was in the 1950’s. Todd Schneider, is a Deputy Division Chief, and Gee Hee Hong, is an economist, both in the IMF’s Asia and Pacific Department. - history hotel travel technology infographic. A infographic co-created with Shiji Group and Hotelschool The Hague The complexity of the hotel and travel technology ecosystem runs deep. - history hotel travel technology infographic

This diagram shows how technology has evolved throughout the industrial revolution until today, a timeline starting as early as 1760. Innovations of the past have been driven through crises. As we are facing today’s COVID-19 crisis we eagerly anticipate what innovations will come this time. Images, Sources This is Version 01 l 2020: It's a constant work-in-progress and for free. Join the progress #forindustrybyindustry To create the most comprehensive infographic on Hotel & Travel Technology History, we invite everyone to become part of this progress: If you’d like to add events of the past to this diagram, which you feel are missing on this Version 01 l 2020, please do contact us here or use the form below. - HomePage. Let’s chat about AI and chatbots. Discovery VR Atlas: Italy (360 Video) BostonDynamics. Boston Dynamics is changing your idea of what robots can do. Virtuaaliapuri Milli on tukenut jo tuhansia suomalaisia – apuna vuorokauden ympäri. ​Milli tarjoaa käyttäjälleen tukea ja kertoo luotettavasti, mistä hänen kannattaisi hakea apua ahdistukseen tai masennukseen.

Virtuaaliapuri Milli on tukenut jo tuhansia suomalaisia – apuna vuorokauden ympäri

Virtuaaliapurin kanssa voi myös arvioida oireidensa vakavuutta täyttämällä ahdistus- tai masennuskyselyn. Kyselyn on täyttänyt viidennes kaikista Millin käyttäjistä. Näiden pääasiallisten tehtävien lisäksi Milli on kesän aikana oppinut paljon muutakin ja kehittyy jatkuvasti. Viime syksystä asti käytössä ollut Milli on vakiintunut osaksi Nuorten mielenterveystalon palveluvalikoimaa.

Koronavirusepidemian vuoksi Millin käyttö laajeni Mielenterveystalon etusivulle. ”Erityisesti nuoret ovat oppineet hakeutumaan Millin juttusille ja pyytämään siltä apua. Free Android apps to take your social media content to the next level – Juho Pesonen (Ph.D.) Many small- and medium-sized enterprises post just basic pictures, link and videos to their social media channels.

Free Android apps to take your social media content to the next level – Juho Pesonen (Ph.D.)

Even though there are dozens of excellent and free tools to improve how social media marketing is conducted, not many businesses use these. Using these tools will allow businesses to provide more engaging and visually more attractive content. The best thing is, that the only tool you need is an Android smartphone. Android applications for social media content creation: Canva – Fantastic graphic designer to bring your media alive.Layout for Instagram – set many pictures together to make one pictureBoomerang – record a short video that moves back and forthBuffer and Hootsuite – control various social media channels in one place and schedule your postsCardboard camera – create 360-degree picturesMagisto – Combine pictures and videos to make your own videos.Quick – Extremely quick and convenient video editor.

Give these apps a chance. Reboot Finland D.Day – Join the Business Disruption. Mixed Reality - Business Finland. Nopeasti kasvavien VR/AR-markkinoiden koko on noin 5,5 miljardia dollaria.

Mixed Reality - Business Finland

Virtuaali- ja lisätyn todellisuuden teknologiat muodostavat arvioiden mukaan vuonna 2020 jo 150 miljardin dollarin markkinan. Mixed Reality -ohjelma tarjoaa innovaatiorahoitusta sekä kansainvälistymispalveluja ja verkottaa yrityksiä, tutkimusorganisaatioita ja muita julkisia toimijoita. Ohjelman tavoitteet ja kohderyhmät.