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Bricolage papillon. It’s Monarch migration season- when 100 million monarch butterflies fly from Canada and the northern US south to Mexico for the winter. Learn more about monarch butterflies with these great resources. Kids: can you follow their migration path on a map? Why would butterflies (and some birds!) Go south for the winter? When do you think they will migrate back north? In Texas this October, we’ve been seeing the voyagers pass through our garden to sip on some of our butterfly weed and lantana. Here is a cute and easy craft that even the little ones will enjoy as you learn about these fascinating creatures.

For this project, you will need: black paint, glue, paper, and water color paints. First, fold your paper in half. We grabbed a glue that was not full, and mixed in black paint. It works best to keep the lines thin, because we then fold back over the paper to create the mirror image butterfly. Once you have your completed, symmetrical butterfly, you will need to let it dry. Bricolage papillon. Making a Paper Butterfly is easier than you might think! And at the same time it does not use much paper, so save your scraps to make more later. There are some great decorating opportunities for these little flutterbys. You can string them singly and make a curtain of them, or make a banner out of them, or make a pretty mobile. Use them to decorate a special gift or the top of a box. Put a magnet on the back and you have a beautiful fridge or metal filing cabinet decoration....

"Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes. You will need: Scrap paper, ruler and compass to trace a shape that is basically a square overlapped by a circle, and some scissors to cut it out. Some patterned paper (I used a double sided designer series variety but you can use paper with a single printed side. What to do: Here's a little video that shows how I make my butterflies: Other Ways to Use Your Paper Butterfly Top of page Do you make 3-d PaperCraft items? Bricolage papillon. Bricolage papillon. Last updated Saturday, March 1, 2014 Welcome to our third installment of Toddler Art Tuesdays! I have paired up with the fabulous Lindsay from You Are the Roots to bring you a fun art activity you can do with toddlers every Tuesday for the month of April and a roundup of fun ideas from other great kid bloggers, too.

This week is all about one of my favorite crafts…suncatchers! In my introductory post, I talked a lot about the importance of process-based art for toddlers. However, once in awhile I like to take a process-based activity and turn it into a product that I can display…I love adding color to our home using art the kids have created. The next afternoon the twins and I collected sticks outside. After the twins were satisfied with their matches, I used hot glue to secure the sticks to the wax paper collages. It’s really cute to listen to Will retell the story of how we made the suncatchers: “Finkle colors, Mama iron, HOT! ”Cutta wings, stick inna middle. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.