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Adobe PhotoShop. Create Andy Warhol Style Pop Art - Lady Ga Ga [Photoshop CS5] Camera Shooting Modes - How to Understand the Camera Shooting Modes on Your DSLR. Understanding camera shooting modes can make a real difference to the quality of your images.

Camera Shooting Modes - How to Understand the Camera Shooting Modes on Your DSLR

Here is a guide to the five main shooting modes on your DSLR, and an explanation of what each mode does to your camera. To start with, you'll need to locate the dial on the top of your camera, with letters written on it. This dial will always include, at the very minimum, these four letters -- P, A (or AV), S (or TV), and M. There will also be a fifth mode entitled "Auto".

Let's look at what these different letters actually mean. Photoshop-cs6-keyboard-shortcuts-infographic.jpg (1650×1275)