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Smarter Curation, Genius Content. — Spundge. Using Pinterest in Higher Education. Pinterest use is booming among people age 25-34 with annual salaries of $100,000 or more (Huffington Post Tech, 21 March, 2012). The site has shown remarkable growth with unique users growing from 11.7 million in January, 2012 to 17.8 million in February making it the third most popular social networking site behind Facebook and Tumblr (, 20 March 2012). While the primary demographic may not be college students, there is certainly potential for using the medium in the higher education classroom.

( Instructors can use the site to remix their curriculums for students by pinning online resources – videos, infographics, images, and links to articles – into a course-based pinboard that provides students with an interesting and engaging visual "reading list" that contains some or all of the elements for the course. In addition, innovative instructors can assign students to curate and annotate a virtual bibliography or interactive report. Getting Started with Pinterest. Diigo.

Pinterest. Pinterest - eductors to follow. 10 Best Pinterest Practices. In the world of social media there are few mediums that go untouched, but there are those that are significantly more prominent than the others. Facebook and Twitter being the reigning kings and others trailing behind with users unsure of what to do.

However, Pinterest is proving to be an extremely useful tool for businesses to engage in. So why should you be be interested in Pinterest. Recent new data is showing that it has now become the 4th largest referral network after passing Yahoo and now only sits behind Google, Facebook and Twitter. Its referral traffic grew by 43.7% from June to July and grew again by 33.33% from July to August. In the last 12 months according to Experian it has grown 5,124 perecnt. It is a visual niche social network that is proving to be a driver of significant traffic driver for image rich eCommerce sites. Here are some tips from ZOG Digital when it comes to Pinterest and your business: 1. 2. Define your goals. 3. 4. Google LOVES Pinterest! 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Learnist: a Pinterest for learning.

Learnist is in beta and users are only granted the ability to create learning boards after a careful review of their online footprints in order to ensure high quality content. A new online social learning platform, Learnist, is growing and expanding to mobile with the release of iOS applications for the iPhone and iPad. Learnist has been created by social learning company Grockit, and is based on a similar concept to that of Pinterest, but with an educational focus. Learnist allows users to create 'lessons' on specific academic or casual learning topics by curating information from around the Web or uploading original content onto learning boards. The service was first launched online in May, and has been in beta since – allowing new users to join via invitation only. In the first two months, the service is said to have gained “tens-of-thousands” of users.

Creating learning boards is, however, currently limited, but Grokit says this is opened up on a rolling basis. Pinterest Case Studies.pdf (application/pdf Object) Flickr.