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20 Amazing Eye Makeup Tutorials. Eye makeup is very important. Eyes represent the entire character of anybody. Because eyes are the most substantial segment of our face. Eyes are classified as an entrance towards the heart and soul that demonstrate your internal natural beauty. Women of all ages wish for gorgeous eyes. Eyes are additionally regarded as the device that will enable anyone become attractive. Internet Tools. 9 Easy Money Earning Tips You Can Use Immediately in 2013. As we near the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013 New Years resolutions are being made everywhere. On top of most list are “save more money” or “make more money”.

I’m a big believer in doing more with less so here’s some great tips on how you can save and make more money with very little effort. A lot of these suggestions in my list aren’t going to buy you a new Bently, but add them up over a year or even a lifetime and you start seeing all the extra money you may be leaving on the table. 1. Swagbucks is an awesome little site I discovered a while back that allows you to earn free gift cards for doing things online. You can check out my more in-depth review over here: Swagbucks Review 2. If you have extra time and want to earn some extra money they’re quite a few online companies that pay you for taking surveys. Here are a couple of my personal favorites: Only Cash Surveys - Many short surveys that pay $2 My Survey - Very easy surveys with quick payments. 3.

TopCashBack 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Photo by fennicasino. Mega EvErs. The 4 Fundamental Pillars of Emotional Intelligence. Usually when we think of “intelligence” we associate it with things like logic, math, and science. However, according to psychologists such as Daniel Goleman, “emotional intelligence” (EQ) is another aspect of intelligence that is often over-looked. The basic view of emotional intelligence is that emotions aren’t necessarily the opposite of thinking, but a different way of thinking about different types of problems that exist in our world. In other words, emotions can be a very valuable tool in guiding our choices and decision-making. In light of his theory of evolution, Charles Darwin theorized that our minds have evolved to experience emotions so that we can better adapt to our environment. For example, we’ve evolved to experience a “negative” emotion such as fear so that we can better respond to a situation that is bad for survival.

In this case, fear is an emotion that motivates us to avoid something when we are in danger. Self-Awareness Self-Regulation Empathy Social Skills. Presenting: The 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge. That’s right. Beginning April 25th and ending May 2nd, we will begin the 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge. But before I dive into the details, let’s talk a little bit about what clean eating is and how it benefits us. What is Clean Eating? Clean eating is eating as close to the source as possible. What is the source, you ask? The source is Mother Earth, of course. Sure, it sounds like hippie stuff, but think about it – look in your pantry or cabinets, then look in your refridgerator. Basically, living a life of clean eating is living a life of simplicity.

Clean eating, with all the “Mother Earth” talk, might sound like hippie speak (I am a self-proclaimed hippie and all), but it isn’t. Okay, no more hippie moments. What are the basic tenets of clean eating? Avoid processed foods. For starters, processed foods usually come with an excessive amount of sugar. If you avoid processed foods, you’ll also be avoiding unnatural fats (like trans fats) and unnecessary carbs. Practice portion control. Mega evers. Record your meals, set goals, track your diet.

Guacamole Deviled Eggs. ← Back to recipes Submitted by: Wholly Guacamole® Ingredients 4 whole Land O Lakes® Eggs in the shell1/2 cup Wholly Guacamole dip1 Tbsp chopped cilantro1 Tbsp minced green onion1/4 tsp salt, or optional1 dash hot pepper sauce e.g. Tabasco, or to taste1 tsp Worcestershire sauce, or to taste1 tsp Dijon-style prepared mustard1 pinch paprikaInstructionsPlace eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover, and let eggs stand in hot water for 10 - 12 minutes. Remove from hot water, cool, and peel.

ShareThis Copy and Paste. Dave Ramsey's Recommended Budget. March 2013 Challenge Goals | Black Weight Loss Success. BWLW’s March Weight Release Goals – It’s time to commit to new goals for March, Ladies. This month we are keeping it simple. We have 2 main goals for the month: - We commit to exercising 6 days per week for 45 minutes minimum per workout session. - No eating out for 30 days – No fast food, no restaurants, etc. So that means that many of you will be cooking more and looking for meal plan ideas.

If you would like a detailed healthy meal plan that can serve as a guide, please consider using’s 28 day challenge meal plan and recipes during March! Link: How do you participate/sign up? No sign up necessary. What about healthy eating in restaurants? First, let me say that we are avoiding fast food at all cost. Sure, if you have to eat out or if you find yourself in a restaurant you can have a very healthy meal. Easter Egg Hunt - $1000's in Prizes! - Moody Mama Says. Preparation. Profile photos. Gluten Free, Grain Free, High Protein and Healthy - Elana's Pantry.

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Flash Player. [2:10] I Believe - Fantasia - Spotify. Chakra Chart: Meanings Of The Seven Chakras. Imagine seven ‘wheels’ of energy spinning in your body along its centerline, from the base of your spine to the top of your head. These subtle energy channels each correspond to different areas of the body as well as specific life situations.

They channel energy to where it’s needed, for optimal health and wellbeing. In many ways the chakras are like intersections in a busy city. They channel traffic, and the traffic grid is designed to keep traffic flowing freely. Check out the chakra chart below to understand your chakras better: Click to enlarge or download Imagine that scenario in your energy flow. You may have blockages or imbalances in several chakras, but it is often due to one major blockage in one chakra that then affects the others. Now that you know how important the chakras are to your overall health and wellbeing, let’s look at individual chakras and the ways they affect the system. > Read more about the Root Chakra here Just up from the root chakra is the Sacral chakra. How Tapping Can Help You Deal With a Debilitating Disease. Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things any of us will ever face, whatever the circumstances.

However, when we have to take care of a family member with a terminal illness or debilitating disease in the months or even years before they might leave us, our grief can become compounded with anger, disbelief, and a deep sense of powerlessness—a whole array of emotions that can feel impossible to comprehend or escape. Thankfully, many are discovering what I’ve known for some time now: Tapping can be a quick, easy, and lasting source of relief for both caretakers and those battling serious illness.

Since I began using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), also known as Tapping, to heal myself and others just over ten years ago, I’ve heard countless stories about how using this tool has liberated people from a whole host of issues: excess body weight, chronic pains, childhood trauma, depression, and even inescapable phobias. Stefan’s Saga Still, it was crushing for the new couple. Apply. My Home. Mental Health Medical Billing Made Easy. Save Your Relationship Articles. – Dr. Brenda Shoshanna 3 Powerful Steps to Finding Healthy Relationships When Your Husband Becomes Your Father The Two Most Common Communication Problems 3 Communication Pitfalls to Avoid 3-Step Relationship Makeover The Art of Forgiveness Different Ways Men Express Their Love Getting Him To Talk Infusing Spirit Into Your Relationships A Peaceful Place in the Storm Fresh Starts By Brenda Shoshanna, Ph.D.

Health Articles/Self-Help Title/Relationships It is easy to hang onto familiar patterns, friends, hopes and choices, and to live a life based upon the past. A fresh start always includes a time of house cleaning, going through our possessions and seeing what is valuable and relevant now, and what is finished, what has been completed, or used up. Before we can move forward constructively and make a fresh start, either in relationships or in our personal choices, we must take some time to stop and appreciate what has happened to us, realize that which is over now, what has been used up. How to get unstuck in life: 4 lessons on moving forward in uncertainty.

All the negativity in the news media, the cold temperatures and dark skies outside, uncertainty at work and craziness in life can make anyone freeze. You get nervous constantly thinking and analyzing what steps to take in life. You make resolutions and give up because you say, “What’s the point?” , “Why should I even bother in all this unpredictable environment?”. You feel stuck because you look around and just feel overwhelmed in all the chaos of life. In my journey of learning to deal with uncertainty at work and the unpredictable and seemingly random nature of life, I used to worry all the time about the future.

Dealing with anxiety and stress due to uncertainty in life is hard because you feel like you have no control over anything in your life and it becomes a vicious cycle. Here are 4 lessons I learned on how to get unstuck in life: How to get unstuck in life lesson #: 1. How to get unstuck in life lesson #: 2. Have a new idea for a fresh new career? 3. 4. Go ahead…Embrace the Chaos! What is Meditation: Is Thinking the Same As Awareness?