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TurboEnglish - Getting It Right! - engelsk grammatik. Wikispaces was founded in 2005 and has since been used by educators, companies and individuals across the globe. Unfortunately, the time has come where we have had to make the difficult business decision to end the Wikispaces service. We first announced the site closure in January 2018, through a site-wide banner that appeared to all logged-in users and needed to be clicked on to dismiss During the closure period a range of banners were shown to users, including a countdown banner in the final month. Additionally, the home page of became a blog, detailing the reasons for the closure. Why has Wikispaces closed? Approximately 18 months ago, we completed a technical review of the infrastructure and software we used to serve Wikispaces users. Common mistakes in present tenses in English %%page | Games to learn English. Present simple and present continuous are easy tenses to learn in English.

However, as simple as they are, there are still many students who make mistakes in these English tenses. For this post I have collected the most common mistakes my students make. I believe it is much better to learn from the mistakes others make than to make them yourself and feel stupid. ADVERT: I have included the following activities in this post to help your students avoid mistakes in present tenses: a mind map, a worksheet, an online game on present tenses and an online quiz.

The sentence in the white fields are the mistakes, in the blue fields there are the corrected sentences and at the end, there are explanations. Present tense – online quiz I have prepared two online quizzes this time. The second is an online quiz in which the students should fill in the verbs in the correct form of the present tense. Present tenses – online quiz ADVERT: Present tense – worksheet Present tenses – download.

Joanna m-My ELT rambles. Fun tasks and the 1st conditionalA bit about conditionals In student grammar books, conditionals are usually divided into zero, first, second, third and mixed conditionals. This post is part of a series of posts related to conditionals. Today, I am going to write about fun activities you can use with your learners when teaching what is known as the 1st conditional. 1st conditional But first, what do I mean by first conditional? My focus is on the form that appears in most ntermediate/ upper intermediate grammar books. Here is the form: If clause , main clauseIf + s. present/present continuous (or present perfect) , imperative/ modals/ s. future.

OR Main clause if clause Imperative/modals/s. future + if + simple present/present continuous (or present perfect). In my opinion, the conditional is a structure that allows the teacher to use different activities which can guarantee a fun grammar lesson for the students. E.g. Till next time....... Road to Grammar - Your Road to Better Grammar. WAS or WERE - the really important grammar. As the word WAS is the ninth and WERE the 34th most frequent word in English it is crucial to use them correctly.

You simply cannot avoid using these words, and if you make mistakes in these two words, people will think that you cannot speak English. For teachers it is important to teach this piece of grammar correctly and practise it a lot with their students. In this post, I would love to teach these two words properly. You can find here a mind map to present this grammar, an MP3 drill recording where your students can practise the forms and two games which will test your or your students’ knowledge of the grammar.

I hope it will work. Look at the mind map below and study the usage of the words WAS and WERE. I have tried to present the grammar a bit unusually and put WERE first. Play the following recording. You can download the file by right-clicking on the following link The verbs WAS and WERE drill – download In the following quizzes you can test your knowledge of the grammar. Elever som pratar grammatik – lärande på djupet | Mias klassrum. Så har jag ännu en gång kört på samma koncept för grammatik, inspirerat av Dylan Wiliam, fast den här gången på engelska.

Vilka härliga samtal det blir, eleverna emellan! Grundupplägget är att de får börja med några flervalsalternativ. Vilken mening av dessa fyra är korrekt? Eleverna svarar med fingrarna och får sedan förklara sina val. Efter några omgångar har vi hunnit repetera reglerna som gäller. Därefter följer en mening som ska översättas från svenska till tyska. Eleverna börjar med att skriva individuellt för att sedan jämföra med bordsgrannen. Slutligen får en från varje grupp skriva gruppens variant på tavlan, varpå vi ser vilka skillnader som finns och jag som lärare kommenterar och korrigerar eventuella fel. Som lärare behöver jag inte rätta något efteråt, men jag måste lägga lite tanke på mina exempel. Här hittar du den presentation jag använde för år 9 i engelska. Grammarly Handbook | English Grammar Rules. Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude.

English | Grammar. Grammar videos.