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Live. Silverlight. SearchTogether. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) - Home. Redmond casts Mesh to catch developers | Beyond Binary - A blog by Ina Fried - CNET The Live Mesh service that Microsoft unveiled Tuesday night is a peek of what Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie has been working on all these months.

In its initial incarnation, Live Mesh is mostly a file-sharing and folder-synchronization service, as well as a nice, easy way to access a PC remotely. Down the road though, it's Microsoft's latest attempt to find preeminence in a world in which Microsoft-based devices are just part of the mix. As previously noted , the version that launches Tuesday is limited considerably from the broad service Microsoft envisions. (See Ozzie's recent memo to Microsoft employees for the big vision.) Although pitched as a way to seamlessly connect various devices, for now the only devices it is synching are Windows PCs (though Macs and Windows Mobile phones are just around the corner, we're told).

At its core, Live Mesh is vintage Ozzie , touching on themes that go back to his Lotus Notes days such as a focus on collaboration and synchronization. Download details: SDL Guidance. Stoplights in Microsoft Project. Home - White Paper Index First published Sept 07 Concept designed and introduced by Brian Thompson Overview Ever wondered how to use project monitoring tools as pro-active aids instead of reactive reporting tools? Project stoplights can provide an easy guide to taking pro-active action on tasks or milestones with potential delay within a one, two or three week window to the future. Typically, stoplights are used during execution phase of a project.

Key Points: Setup of Stoplights Practical application of the stoplight enhancement Import stoplights to other project plans Formula Logic Milestones: Tasks: Join our Members Club to view the article.