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Why is biodiversity important? | Human Nature - Conservation International Blog. Elephant near the Mara North Conservancy in Kenya. (© Jon McCormack) Humanity must stop the pace of wildlife extinctions — or face extinction, according to the United Nations. The world has two years to seal a new pact on wildlife protection, the head of the UN body on wildlife, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), told The Guardian last week. In two days, the EU and 195 member nations of the CBD will gather for two weeks to try to stem the tide of species extinctions. Nothing less than humanity is at stake, observers say. “Biodiversity is life on Earth, and every extinction chips away at it, undermining the stability of the planet,” said Olivier Langrand, executive director of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), which gives grants to organizations to conserve biodiversity hotspots.

But how exactly is biodiversity so important to humanity? Wildlife support healthy ecosystems that we rely on. 2. Donate to help protect biodiversity. 3. 4. Further reading. PFAF. 11 Mind-blowing Math Documentaries To Watch. While some might not automatically put math and documentary together, we’re able to recommend the following list. 1. Dimensions: A Walk Through Mathematics A film for a wide audience. Nine chapters, two hours of math, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Dimension Two - Hipparchus shows us how to describe the position of any point on Earth with two numbers... and explains the stereographic projection: how to draw a map of the world. Dimension Three - M.C. The Fourth Dimension - Mathematician Ludwig Schläfli talks about objects that live in the fourth dimension... and shows a parade of four-dimensional polytopes, strange objects with 24, 120 and even 600 faces!

Complex Numbers - Mathematician Adrien Douady explains complex numbers. Fibration - Mathematician Heinz Hopf explains his "fibration". Proof - Mathematician Bernhard Riemann explains the importance of proofs in mathematics. 2. Our world is built on numbers and the first of these was the number 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What May Become of Homo sapiens. When you ask for opinions about what future humans might look like, you typically get one of two answers. Some people trot out the old science-fiction vision of a big-brained human with a high forehead and higher intellect.

Others say humans are no longer evolving physically—that technology has put an end to the brutal logic of natural selection and that evolution is now purely cultural. The big-brain vision has no real scientific basis. The fossil record of human skull sizes over the past several thousand generations shows that our days of rapid increase in brain size are long over. Accordingly, most scientists a few years ago would have taken the view that human physical evolution has essentially ceased. If giant brains are not in store for us, then what is? The Far and Recent Past Tracking human evolution used to be the province solely of paleontologists, those of us who study fossil bones from the ancient past.

But that turns out not to be the case. Another study by Pardis C. Netflix para Biólogos, lista completa! | Biologia para Biólogos. Bora de Netflix? Séries e documentários para a galera da Biologia! Ahh, as férias… Só nós sabemos o quanto esperamos ansiosamente por esse evento. Agora é a hora de colocar as séries em dia e o Biologia para Biólogos trouxe pra você uma lista com 30 opções de séries e documentários do Netflix que vão agradar a todos, desde a galera da ambiental até o pessoal que se amarra na neurociência. 1.Cosmos: Uma Odisseia do Espaço-Tempo (2014) O Astrofísico Neil deGrasse Tyson apresenta revelações sobre o tempo e o espaço nesta nova versão da série documental “Cosmos”. (2014) 2.

Assista às batalhas mais impressionantes do reino animal, com leopardos, ursos polares e outros predadores atacando suas presas. 3.Planeta Terra (2006) Esta série memorável leva amantes da natureza da Cordilheira do Himalaia às profundezas do oceano, e a todos os lugares pelo caminho. 4. O aventureiro Cyril Chauquet procura as maiores e mais perigosas criaturas subaquáticas do mundo nesta série cheia de ação e adrenalina. 5. 6. 6 Beautiful Websites In The Nanotechnology Community That You Can Learn From. In using this website you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions: The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and any or all Agreements: "Client", “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person accessing this website and accepting the Company’s terms and conditions.

"The Company", “Ourselves”, “We” and "Us", refers to our Company. “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us”, refers to both the Client and ourselves, or either the Client or ourselves. All terms refer to the offer, acceptance and consideration of payment necessary to undertake the process of our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner, whether by formal meetings of a fixed duration, or any other means, for the express purpose of meeting the Client’s needs in respect of provision of the Company’s stated services/products, in accordance with and subject to, prevailing English Law. Privacy Statement Confidentiality Disclaimer Log Files. Os micróbios de seu estômago afetam sua saúde mental. Até pouco menos de uma década atrás, mudar o comportamento de uma pessoa com um transplante de fezes pareceria uma loucura.

E não é algo que ocorrerá amanhã, mas as pesquisas com animais sugerem que talvez não seja uma ideia tão descabida. O que é averiguado nos laboratórios sobre a influência das bactérias que vivem em nosso intestino indica que elas não desempenham somente tarefas fundamentais para a saúde de nosso estômago. Influem também no estado do cérebro. Essas bactérias já foram transplantadas experimentalmente em humanos para combater infecções intestinais e da mesma forma, através da dieta e alimentos probióticos, que incluem microrganismos, serviriam para tratar doenças psiquiátricas e neurológicas.

Várias experiências com animais, principalmente ratos de laboratório criados em condições muito controladas, mostraram que os microrganismos do intestino podem afetar seu comportamento e modificar o equilíbrio químico de seu cérebro. Petrobras. Academic, research and science jobs - Academic Positions. Da Filosofia da Ciência do Caos (Deleuze & Guattari) | Questões Cosmológicas. “A natureza usa um fio muito longo para tecer suas tramas – mas…apenas um pequeno pedaço do tecido… já revela toda a organização de sua tapeçaria.”

(Richard Feynman) Filosofia e ciência seguem 2 vias opostas; conceitos filosóficos têm por consistência ‘acontecimentos’; enquanto as funções científicas têm como referência ‘estados de fase’ – ou seja, enquanto a filosofia é ‘sintagmática’; ciência é ‘paradigmática’. A filosofia busca no interior destes estados acontecimentos emblemáticos; enquanto a ciência atualiza – por funções – tais fatos, por sobre um ‘estado de coisas’ referencial. A filosofia procede sob um plano conceitual de imanência; e a ciência atua sobre um sistema funcional de referência. Na ‘imanência conceitual’ filosófica…temos um conjunto unificado de variações sob a influência de uma ‘razão contingente’ — enquanto na ‘referência funcional’ científica, um conjunto de variáveis independentes atua sob controle de uma ‘razão necessária’.

Ciência, Filosofia & Arte Curtir isso: Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures and Words. As Marés. Surreal X-Ray Photographs Reveal Hidden Beauty in Nature xray photography Arie van 't Riet – Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building. The man who can map the chemicals all over your body. Sandy Huffaker Pieter Dorrestein's methods could reveal what microbes do in complex communities. Apart from the treadmill desk, Pieter Dorrestein's office at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), is unremarkable: there is a circular table with chairs around it, bookshelves lined with journals, papers and books, and a couple of plaques honouring him and his work. But Dorrestein likes to offer visitors a closer look. On his computer screen, he pulls up a 3D rendering of the space.

Four figures seated around the table — one of whom is Dorrestein — look as if they've been splashed with brightly coloured paint. To produce the image, researchers swabbed every surface in the room, including the people, several hundred times, then analysed the swabs with mass spectrometry to identify the chemicals present. The picture reveals a lot about the space, and the people in it. Then there were signatures of the office's other inhabitants: the microbes that reside on human skin. Rock and roll. Team:Cambridge-JIC/Make Your Own - FAQs What’s the difference between manual and motorised modes? The microscope has 3 knobs: two of them are used to pan across the sample, and one is used to focus. In manual mode, these knobs are controlled by hand. In motorised mode, they are instead connected to stepper motors. This enables you to program your own panning/focusing routines, and to operate the OpenScope remotely: e.g. when it is in an incubator, or in a different lab.

What is the difference between bright-field, dark-field and fluorescence modes? Bright-field is the simplest of all imaging modes: just the sample, backlit by a white light source (LED). How do I set up my 3D printer? What if I don’t have a 3D printer? What are STL and SCAD files? DIY microscopy - Hackteria. Nice Instruction The Chapter about the DIY microscope can be downloaded here.

Home Made Bio Electronic Arts Do-it-yourself: Microscopes, Sensors, Sonifications - Christoph Merian Verlag / Migros-Kulturprozent: Dominik Landwehr, Verena Kuni (Ed.), 2013 And available now with Chinese translation included! See the other chapters of Book: Homemade Biological Art DIY microscopy Introduction To use a simple usb webcam as a microscope, only a few modifications are needed.

In short, a small hack to the optics of a standard webcam with an adjustable focus-lens, allows to create video data, with a magnification of around 100 to 400x (depending on the model) at a working distance of a few mm. Dark-field image sequence (4 sec) of an amoebae recorded on a modified webcam bright-field image sequence (4 sec) of an amoebae recorded on a modified webcam Video Examples Movie recorded with modified webcams: Hackteria in Berlin Instructions 0.

“Esqueçam tudo o que aprenderam na escola sobre Matemática” Muitas pessoas, de diferentes gerações, dizem que odeiam matemática. Por que razão acha que isso acontece? Muita gente tem uma relação traumática com a Matemática. Uma das razões tem a ver com o facto de o ensino da Matemática, tal como é feito na grande maioria das escolas, dar demasiado ênfase à resposta. Em vez de se encorajar os nossos alunos a serem curiosos e a procurarem a resposta, nós exigimos que eles a deem. O ensino baseia-se quase exclusivamente em testes e em ver em quem é mais rápido a encontrar a resposta. E muitos sentem-se embaraçados e inferiores porque não conseguem fazê-lo. Porquê? Para a maioria das pessoas, a Matemática parece demasiado abstrata, sem aplicação prática... O que tem então de mudar no ensino? E tem de haver paixão por parte dos professores. O que pode dizer para fazer a Matemática mais atraente e apelativa?

Em que sentido? Está preocupado com o futuro? Os computadores conseguirão substituir-nos em quase tudo? Ecologia acústica: os sons podem servir para analisar a biodiversidade e a saúde de um habitat. A medida pode revelar alterações complexas em habitats que não são visíveis com medições realizadas por satélites ou fotografias Você sabia que formigas, larvas de insetos e anêmonas-do-mar criam uma assinatura sonora?

Cada ambiente selvagem no planeta, como a floresta amazônica, funciona como uma orquestra da natureza. Os ventos, insetos, répteis, anfíbios, pássaros, mamíferos e barulhos dos rios são instrumentos que têm seu papel na harmonia sonora dessas grandes composições. Cada paisagem sonora gera uma assinatura única e contém uma quantidade incrível de informação. Fotografias e imagens de satélite são ferramentas importantes para acompanhar o desmatamento, mas nem sempre é possível detectar a degradação parcial através dessas imagens, já a sonoridade do ambiente pode revelar muito mais sobre o equilíbrio da biodiversidade.

O que é ecologia acústica? Antes a técnica consistia em gravar a sonoridade de cada animal isolado, restringindo as pesquisas aos limites de cada vocalização. Get Shocked To See How Small Our Earth Is ? World's first pocket spectrometer lets you measure the molecular makeup of nearly anything | Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building. SCiO is a new gadget that instantly measures the molecular fingerprint of just about anything you see, and it fits in your pocket. Want to know the alcohol content of that beer you’re about to slurp down or how many grams of sugar are in your apple? This mini spectrometer will tell you. Equipped with some of the capabilities of large, heavy laboratory spectrometers, but built around the kind of optics used in cell phone cameras, the SCiO measures the light reflected off any given object, breaks down its spectrum, and then sends that information to the cloud.

Consumer Physics‘ unique algorithms immediately interpret the resulting data and the results show up on your cell phone within 5 seconds on a 3G connection. Designed to empower you with knowledge of your environment, medicine, food, and a near-infinite number of things, the SCiO will also allow you to participate in building the world’s first database of matter. The product’s genius is (partially) in its built-in perpetuity.

. + SCiO. Tem ciência no teu chá! | A ciência que você não vê mas que está ao seu lado todos os dias. In The Good Old Days, Anatomy Drawings Were Full of Whimsy. Cat and dog skeletons. Ferocious. (All images: William Chesleden's 'Osteographia, or The anatomy of the bones', Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine) Born in 1688, William Cheselden was a prolific surgeon, and was influential in legitimizing the field as a proper medical practice. As an anatomy lecturer, he was elected into the Royal Society in 1712, where he published his first illustrated work, The Anatomy of the Human Body. Because Cheselden made the unprecedented decision to publish in the vernacular, English, and not in Latin, as was customary for scientists at the time, The Anatomy of the Human Body became a wildly popular textbook among English medical students.

Throughout a career performing surgery, Cheselden became an expert in the safe removal of both bladder stones and eye cataracts—improving survival rates for the poor souls undergoing 18th century surgery across the board. A human skeleton surveying the confines of its illustration, with some bony accoutrements. Access to nature may be vital for mental health, study finds. Getting away from it all in the great outdoors has been a proven panacea for generations of city-dwellers, but a new study has quantified how access to nature could be a vital component in our overall mental health.

With more and more of us living in urban areas, researchers from Stanford University in the US wanted to investigate why urbanisation is associated with greater incidences of mental illness. In a controlled experiment, they looked at whether exposure to nature could influence depression levels and specifically ‘rumination’: repetitive thoughts focused on negative aspects of the self. The researchers took two groups of participants and led them on 90-minute walks through two very different kinds of environments.

One group walked across a grassland area populated with oak trees and shrubs, while the other group walked along the side of a heavily trafficked four-lane highway. Vidivodo. Video: This tiny octopus is so cute, scientists want to name it “adorabilis” Five Things We Still Don’t Know About Water—Richard Saykally Takes Us Inside Waters’ Mysteries. Desmos | Beautiful, Free Math. Membranas celulares. Amazon. Acs.nanolett. Earth - Your life on earth. Artsci Salon. Eu queria que isso fosse uma brincadeira, Sr. Feynman! — Medium Brasil. D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson.

For Home | The Solar Spark. Image archive. Philosophy | Periodic Table | Chemogenesis. NASA destaca possibilidade de colapso da civilização - Galileu | Meio Ambiente. O que é o KeppeMotor? - Keppe Motor. Scientists predict green energy revolution after incredible new graphene discoveries - Science - News. Planet Earth in 4K. Para salvar a Amazônia, cientista brasileiro declara guerra à ignorância - Meio Ambiente - Meio Ambiente.

Biblioteca Mundial da Ciência — Ciência Hoje. CESIMA - Centro Simão Mathias. Surreal X-Ray Photographs Reveal Hidden Beauty in Nature xray photography Arie van 't Riet. Philosophy and the Sciences. Ciência brasileira é tema da principal matéria da prestigiosa Science. Darwin e a prática da 'Salami Science' 'Coherence' in Algae Could Lead to More Efficient Solar Cells : Science. Teoria das Super Cordas - [Full HD] - BBC - Multiverso - Completo - Legendado. Cimática. Stunning, psychedelic images where art and science collide. 13-year-old inventor cracks the secret of trees to revolutionize solar energy. How To Make Edible Water Bottles. Ciência e Tecnologia da Borracha (por Mário Caetano)

Using Statistics for Action | Toxics Action Center. World Science U. Gold nanoparticles give an edge in recycling CO2. 10 fenômenos científicos que vão deixar você de queixo caído. As abelhas estão desaparecendo. E isso é preocupante - Ciência. Aquecimento global é inevitável e 6 bi morrerão, diz cientista. 14 Smart Inventions Inspired by Nature: Biomimicry: Nature as R&D Lab. Conheça o animal que mais salvou vidas humanas. 12 Steps To A Cosmic Orgasm – Follow The Astronauts And Experience The Overview Effect. Scientists use brain imaging to reveal the movies in our mind. Still Smoking? Watch This. School & Experts Put Genius Boy In Special Ed. Now He’s Free & On Track For Nobel Prize. Ground Breaking Study Could Lead to the End of GMO and Chemically Based Agriculture. Ensinar a pensar: o desafio da alfabetização científica.

O homem que viveu 256 anos | David Arioch - Jornalismo Cultural. 7 equações que governam o seu mundo. OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials. Encarnación local del Cosmos - Sagan. TMU: Tree Hugging Now Scientifically Validated. Meditação Budista estudada cientificamente (Natgeo) Farm for the Future - BBC Dokumentary 2009. A Prescrição da Floresta (Documentário-2011) Nikola Tesla: Calling All Freethinkers, Part Three. Cosmos: A Three-Movement Choral Suite [Carl Sagan Tribute Series] The helical model - our solar system is a vortex. More Than Honey - Official Trailer. The Physics of Interstellar Travel : Welcome to Explorations in Science with Dr. Michio Kaku. Connections (TV series) Nós Estamos Aqui: O Pálido Ponto Azul (Legendado)