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Описание[редактиране | редактиране на кода] Шапката е с диаметър от 5 до 10 cm, първоначално - полусферична, в по-късен стадий - плоска, светлокафява, охрена до кафявочерна, с бели брадавичести остатъци от общото покривало.Пластинките - бели до кремави, нагъсто разположени.Пънчето - високо до 12 cm, с характерен висящ, неназъбен пръстен.Месото - бяло, с неприятна миризма на ряпа.Расте през цялото лято и есен в иглолистни, широколистни и смесени гори.

Сходни видове[редактиране | редактиране на кода] Токсичност[редактиране | редактиране на кода] Гъбата съдържа Иботенова киселина - вещество, близко по свойства до атропина. От 30 минути до 3 часа след приема се появяват зрителни и говорни смущения, халюцинации, разширени зеници, еуфория, в по-тежки случаи - гърчове, придружени с коликообразни болки и разстройство. Първа помощ: На пострадалия се дава 1 г. Източници[редактиране | редактиране на кода] Jump up ↑ Йорданов, Даки. Вижте също[редактиране | редактиране на кода] Отровни гъби. Eat Your Heart Out Americans: 10 Remarkable Facts You Didn’t Know About Australia. October 25, 2013 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. When Americans think of Australia they generally imagine a vast and arid desert, inhabited by killer wildlife and famous for Crocodile Hunter, Sydney Opera House and glorious beaches.

However, the land Down Under is far more progressive than many countries care to understand and in fact could actually teach the United States a thing or two about how to look after its own population. Here are some interesting facts and policies found in Australia that you probably haven’t head about. 1. For those seeking a good excuse to move to Australia, look no further. While the minimum wage for youth is still on the lower side, the hourly rate actually increases by $2 every two years between the ages of 15 and 21. 2. Yet, the benefits do not end there. 3. 4. Unlike the United States, where mandatory paid holidays for employees simply do not exist, Australia is the vacation nation capital. Support for new arrivals to Australia. We have payments and services to help you if you have recently arrived in Australia to live. Waiting periods and other conditions may apply. Help in your language We can help you if you speak a language other than English.

For example: we have a range of translated information available (written, audio and video) on the Information in your language[18] page we provide free interpreters and a free translation service[8] to help you conduct your business with us you can call our multilingual phone service[10] to speak to someone in your language about Centrelink payments and services Support for new arrivals to Australia As a new arrival, you could be entitled to payments and services from the Australian Government. We also provide payments to support new arrivals who are experiencing hardship. Special Benefit[14] is a payment that helps people who are in severe financial need because of reasons outside their control and who cannot receive any other Centrelink pension or benefit. How to Get a Job in Australia - Employment Advice | Migration News.

It is never easy searching for a job from overseas. Here is a summary of the do's and don'ts for overseas jobseekers in the Australian employment market place. Do visit the various Australian job websites BEFORE deciding to emigrate to familiarise yourself with the job opportunities in your field. Do check eligibility and, where possible, apply for your permanent residence visas. Very important. Prospective employers will ask about your immigration status and having your residence visas (or at least being knowledgable about the application process) is a "prerequisite" for many Australian job vacancies.

Do start applying for advertised job vacancies from OVERSEAS, but only 1 to 12 weeks before a possible start date or a visit to Australia. Department of Immigration & Border Protection.