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Ulule - 1er site de financement participatif européen. Les fondamentaux. KissKissBankBank : c'est quoi ?

Les fondamentaux

KissKissBankBank est une plateforme de financement participatif ou crowdfunding qui vous aide à collecter des fonds pour réaliser vos idées ou vos projets. Qu'est-ce que le crowdfunding ou le financement participatif ? Le plus célèbre exemple de « crowdfunding » est la dernière campagne de Barack Obama aux USA financée par le grand public à hauteur de 150 Millions de dollars. Que serait-il advenu si Obama avait comme son adversaire manqué de trésorerie en plein milieu de sa campagne électorale ? L’Histoire se serait peut-être écrite différemment. Le crowdfunding ou le financement participatif est donc un levier qui permet au grand public de soutenir financièrement et collectivement une idée ou un projet qui le séduit. KissKissBankBank propose d’appliquer ce modèle à VOS projets créatifs ou innovants. Pourquoi soutenir ce genre de projet ? La première motivation doit être le plaisir de faire exister les idées ou les projets qui ont du sens pour vous.

Annuaire du crowdfunding et du financement participatif. The Art-Lovers’ Crowdfunding Gift Guide. Crowdfunding for artists. Image by adesigna Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to FINALLY get that big project done, the one you’ve been putting off forever?

crowdfunding for artists

Do you want to make that film, release that album, create that jewelry line, or whatever your dream is, but don’t know how to get the startup capital? Consider crowdfunding as a way to get the momentum you need. I mean, why DIY when you can Do It With Others? Over the next weeks, I’ll be delving into the nitty-gritty of crowdfunding resources.

Crowdfunding is a modern spin on patronage, made totally accessible and dynamic through the reach of social media. Kickstarter campaigns are restricted to projects that meet their guidelines, while IndieGoGo is much more open and requires no review period or approval for posting a campaign. Both sites allow you to choose the time frame for your campaign. On both of these sites, it is absolutely free to launch a campaign, but with funding come the fees. The Crowdfunding Guide for Artists: Part 2. Last week, I led you through the essential criteria to consider when choosing a platform for crowdfunding a project.

The Crowdfunding Guide for Artists: Part 2

Now that you’ve done your research and made your choice, how do you bring home the win when the clock is ticking and you’re one of thousands and thousands of projects listed on the site? Fear not! Follow the five guidelines below, and you’ll soon be making those big dreams of yours a reality. I’ve compiled tips from a top industry insider as well as examples from all kinds of successful campaigns, and I’m passing this pile of wisdom on to you! Here’s how you raise the funds you need: Be Smiling, Specific, Psyched, and Sympathetic.

–Slava Rubin, co-founder of IndieGoGo, shared a fascinating statistic with me: crowdfunding pitcheswith video content raise 112% more than pitches without videos. -In case we haven’t properly emphasized the importance of your message, this is another one of those “must-haves”, according to Slava. -If at all possible, show rather than tell. 10 Crowdfunding Sites To Fuel Your Dream Project. Do you have a dream?

10 Crowdfunding Sites To Fuel Your Dream Project

No, not the kind you get from eight hours of sleep, a dream dream. Your legacy to leave in this world that people will remember you buy. You know, like creating an epic video game, or recording a great music album, or the next social network to take the world by storm?