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WOTLK affliction raiding, how-to guide. The thread here is about Affliction Raiding. This will answer very common questions such as these: Should I use immolate? Should I drop any DoTs from my rotation? What is the rotation? My DPS is really bad, what am I doing wrong? How can I get better at affliction? This will be broken up into 2 posts. The first, below, dealing with DPCTs and whether or not you should cast all of your DoTs.

I'll start by clarifying what DoTs should be used. DPCT is a measure of what you get in return for the amount of time used to cast a spell. So, what does this mean to an affliction warlock? Below, I have listed out the DPCT for all of an affliction warlock's spells, using (22% crit from gear) 40% crit rating, 2000 spell power, and hit capped. 2785 base DoT damage * 3% malediction * 13% earth and moon * 3% sanctified retribution (ret pally) * 20% haunt * 10% shadow embrace = 4407 modified DoT damage. 1443 DD + 4407 DoT = 5850 total damage. 5850 / 1.5 second cast time = 3900DPCT Oh one last thing. Warlock Raiding Guide for WOTLK. Fallenman and Clearly's Guide to BC Raiding as a Warlock The purpose of this guide is to help the warlock community with the ins and outs of raiding in The Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

Much of the information here is a collaboration of information that is found throughout these forums, as well as several others. Credit is certainly due to Elitist Jerks forums (Elitist Jerks) and The Warlock's Den (The Warlocks Den ). There are many individuals who have researched, tested, and discussed the information below, including the two authors.

This will hopefully act as a basic guide for that. The "math" involved with much of the information here can be found at length on the aforementioned sites and in the warlock forums. This guide is a joint effort composed by Fallenman of Mal'Ganis (Alliance) and Clearly of Cho'gall (Horde). Outline I. II. B. 0/13/51 + 7 (Chaos Bolt Destruction) i. C. 0/41/30 (Felguard Emberstorm) D. 0/31/40 (Fire and Imp) III. F. IV. V. VI. VII. I. C. D. E. F. F. II. Wow Web Stats. Elitist Jerks. CTMod. Time-Lost Proto Drake. Warlock Guide: Talents WotLK 3.0.3. Free WoW Guides. El's Extreme Anglin'.

The Warlocks Den. 0daypatch. Pvc.