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Graffiti. Graffiti in Toronto Graffiti is writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface, often in a public place.[1] Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and it has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire.[2] In modern times, paint (particularly spray paint) and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials. In most countries, marking or painting property without the property owner's consent is considered defacement and vandalism, which is a punishable crime.

Graffiti may also express underlying social and political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression is based upon spray paint graffiti styles. Controversies that surround graffiti continue to create disagreement amongst city officials, law enforcement, and writers who wish to display and appreciate work in public locations. Etymology History. Style Wars. Style Wars is a 1983 documentary on hip hop culture, directed by Tony Silver and produced in collaboration with Henry Chalfant. The film has an emphasis on graffiti, although bboying and rapping are covered to a lesser extent. The film was originally aired on PBS television in 1983, and was subsequently shown in several film festivals to much acclaim, including the Vancouver Film Festival. It also won the Grand Jury Prize: Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival.[1] Background[edit] Reception[edit] In 2009, A. 'Style Wars is a work of art in its own right too, because it doesn't just record what these artists are doing, it somehow absorbs their spirit and manages to communicate it across the decades so that we can find ourselves, so many years later; in the city; understanding what made it beautiful'[2] Featured graffiti artists[edit] Featured break dancers[edit] Featured music[edit] DVD release[edit] The digitally remastered DVD edition also contains: 2011 restoration auction[edit]

STYLE WARS Hip Hop Documentary 1 of 5 graffiti movie. Wild Style DVD Trailer. DONDI. Donald Joseph White, "DONDI" (April 7, 1961 — October 2, 1998) is considered one of the most influential graffiti artists in the history of the movement. Biography[edit] Early life[edit] Graffiti[edit] He became a member of TOP crew (The Odd Partners) in 1977. In 1978, Dondi formed his own crew, named CIA (Crazy Inside Artists), which included other prominent artists such as his good friend DURO. Dondi pioneered many of the styles and techniques still used by modern graffiti artists. His most famous work was Children of the Grave Parts 1, 2 and 3—three whole cars on the New York City Subway in the years 1978 through 1980. He was the first graffiti artist to have a one-man show in the Netherlands and Germany, and his work is collected by European museums.

Death[edit] Dondi died of AIDS on October 2, 1998. Legacy[edit] The glass-pipe artist Marbleslinger features a Dondi stencil on a series of pieces from 2008. Media[edit] Exhibitions and appearances[edit] Film[edit] Notes and references[edit] TAKI 183. TAKI 183 was one of the most influential graffiti writers in its history. His "tag" was short for Demetraki, a Greek alternative for his birth-name Demetrius, and the number 183 came from his address on 183rd Street in Washington Heights.[1] He worked as a foot messenger in New York City and would write his nickname around the streets of New York City that he frequented during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

On July 21, 1971, The New York Times ran an article about him on the front page of its inside section, titled "Taki 183" Spawns Pen Pals.[2] TAKI 183 spurred competitive vandalism in NYC as his tag was mimicked by hundreds of youth across the five boroughs. The kids who got their names up the most and who developed signature tags became known in their communities. Graffiti became a way for many young kids to try to get attention and the attention TAKI 183 received spurred this on. TAKI was last known to be the owner of a foreign car repair shop.

References[edit] Further reading[edit] Rammellzee. Rammellzee (stylized RAMM:ΣLL:ZΣΣ, pronounced "Ram: Ell: Zee"; late 1960 – June 27, 2010) was a visual artist, graffiti writer, performance artist, hip hop musician, art theoretician, and sculptor from New York City.[1][2] Life and work[edit] Rammellzee's graffiti and art work are based on his theory of Gothic Futurism, which describes the battle between letters and their symbolic warfare against any standardizations enforced by the rules of the alphabet.

His treatise, Ionic treatise Gothic Futurism assassin knowledges of the remanipulated square point's one to 720° to 1440°, details an anarchic plan by which to revise the role and deployment of language in society.[3] He has stated that his name is derived from RAM plus M for Magnitude, Sigma (Σ) the first summation operator, first L - longitude, second L - latitude, Z - z-bar, Σ, Σ - summation. [4] In 1988, he and his band Gettovetts recorded the album Missionaries Moving. Afrofuturism[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] GOTHIC FUTURISM. © Copywrite 1979 / Revised 2003 M x A = N has been placed by this unplanned structure colony math to do the concentrating of friction-formation.

The equation G x O = D has placed two prophetic universal (not according to this word-formation UNIVERSAL) gambles. One universal gamble is the understructuring of a transversal register. The letter by equation and answer to equation. The other universal gamble is the reformation-equations to make the understructure make itself the overstructure in an equation-evolution ornamentation by monks who overstructured their idols and did not know that they had remanipulated a disappearing point on a quantum transversal register. Electromagnetic energy’s knowledge conformed in a stable formation function protection around any planet gives basis base for development of disease-culture, on any planet with enough natural resources to conceive bacteria as long as the orbit is the right position for that vital resource.

First codified law (Roman) 449 BC. . Ikonoklast Panzerism. R.I.P. Rammellzee.