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Recipes. How To Make Lip Balm. In our experience, in which we have slaved away in the kitchen trying to make the 'perfect' lip balm, we have found that there is no exact formula to stick to.

How To Make Lip Balm

It depends how you like your lip balm. However, we have picked up a few tips along the way for making really good lip balm. The Rules What oil should I use? You can use Sweet Almond Oil or Sunflower Oil or Apricot Kernel Oil if you would like no odour from the oil, but for a delightful coconut smell, use our Virgin Organic Coconut Oil. Click here for a lip balm recipe with instructions. - Making Soap, Living Well: Crock Pot Hot Process Soap Tutorial. Here are a few pictures to show what happens when I make CPHP. - Making Soap, Living Well: Crock Pot Hot Process Soap Tutorial

Your results may vary, though! Please note that this tutorial is designed for those already familiar with cold process soap making. Melt oils and mix up lye solution as you would with CP. You don’t have to worry about controlling the temperatures. Add the lye solution to the oils as soon as you’re confident the lye is completely dissolved. After you’ve reached a nice, thick trace, put the lid on, check the crock pot is set to low, and entertain yourself for about a half an hour. Check back in about ten minutes and the gel will have spread from the edges toward the centre. Five minutes later, raw soap island is gone: It is at this time I remove the pot from the heat source and give a quick stir just to be sure the gel is complete. Now you can zap test the soap by taking a little bit out and rubbing it between your fingers to help it cool.

And now a lovely oakmoss fragrance goes in: And then spooned into the molds to cool: Homemade Dish Soap Recipes. An easy recipe for homemade dishwashing detergent... cleans your dishes and smells great doing it!

Homemade Dish Soap Recipes

You'll be amazed at how much money you save when you make your own homemade dish soap. I make all my own homemade dishwashing detergent, laundry detergent and personal hygiene soaps (shampoo, shower gel, homemade liquid soap, the works) and my monthly grocery bill has gone down by about 25%. This is a quick, easy homemade dish soap recipe. It cuts grease, kills germs and gives your spirits a lift every time you use it! And, if you want a scent other than citrus, I've included a couple other disinfectant aromatherapy blends you can try. By the way, this recipe is formulated for hand washing dishes in the sink. DIY washing machine and homemade laundry soap. What do you get when you combine a 5 gallon bucket and a toilet plunger?

DIY washing machine and homemade laundry soap

An off grid washing machine. Well, maybe not a machine in the traditional sense, unless you consider my hands the motor. Homemade Fabric Softener $.08 a load. This DIY Fabric Softener saves you money, is easy to make, and it really works!

Homemade Fabric Softener $.08 a load

Check out our tried and true Homemade Fabric Softener Recipe! We are back and this time with one of our FAVORITE DIY recipes! DIY Fabric Softener! I don’t go through fabric softener as quickly as I do laundry soap, but I figured there had to be a recipe to make my own for less than what I pay at the store. How to Use Lemon Juice to Replace Toxic Chemicals in Your Home. You don’t have to waste money on toxic chemicals to clean your home, treat a cold, or pamper your skin.

How to Use Lemon Juice to Replace Toxic Chemicals in Your Home

Lemon juice is a simple, natural alternative that can replace countless bottles of over-priced chemicals. 10 creative ways to use lemon juice 1.Grease removal-A mixture of plain water and lemon juice is tough enough to bust through any grease on your kitchen appliances and counter tops. 2.Disinfect and deodorize your kitchen- Is your refrigerator or cutting boardreallyclean? Surfaces where we prepare and store food need to be clean, but this is also exactly where we don’t want to use toxic chemical cleaners. How to make Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil. Apple Cider Vinegar Cures. Make Your Own Eco, Kid-Safe Cleaning Supplies. Email Why should you take the time to make homemade cleaners?

Make Your Own Eco, Kid-Safe Cleaning Supplies

Well, first of all, plenty of studies show that toxic, conventional cleaning supplies are bad for your health, your child’s health, and the planet’s health. See the following posts for more information… The above health issues are reason enough to make green cleaners, but just in case you need more reasons: homemade cleaners smell better, work just as well, cut down on packaging, and save you money.

Lastly, this is a very simple green step you can take at home, yet the rewards are huge – cleaner indoor air quality and a healthy, happy family. Great Big Plastic-Free, Non-Toxic Deodorant Review. What’s with all these “natural” deodorants in plastic packaging? Four years ago, I found the perfect plastic-free deodorant solution for me . But after discussing the issue with others, I came to realize that deodorants are not one-size (or smell) fits all.

We each have different body chemistries and what works great for me might leave you stinking like a cat litter box and feeling like you’ve been rubbing your pits with poison ivy. Or barbed wire. How to Make Organic Sunblock in Your Kitchen. パーマカルチャー生活 Living Permaculture. Shampoo Recipe - Make Your Own Shampoo - Natural Shampoo. "If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive.

Shampoo Recipe - Make Your Own Shampoo - Natural Shampoo

"~ Dale Carnegie. How to: pore strips. Untitled. You can’t believe how easy it is to make your own face toner at home.


Much like the honey facial, the homemade sugar scrub, and homemade bath bombs. Man, I just can’t get enough of the homemade beauty treatments can I? Face toner acts as an astringent for oily faces and cleans up all the stuff you can’t see. It’s great for summer skin. Here are your ingredients for Homemade Face Toner: Untitled. I like a good bath.


It’s the best way for me to unwind, escape the dishes, catch up on a little pop culture in the way of an US Weekly or a thick People Magazine, and deal with my ongoing pain. I’ve written about how to make homemade bath salts, and how to make homemade sugar scrub, and today I’m going to show you how to make homemade bath bombs. They’re the bomb. Ha ha, I slay myself. Bath bombs are little balls of fizz that dissolve in hot water and add a little scent, moisture, and effervescence to your bath time.

Here’s what you need: -Cornstarch 1/2 cup-Epsom Salt 1/4 cup-Baking Soda 1 cup-Citric Acid 1/2 cup-3/4 tablespoon water-Essential Oil {optional}-Olive Oil 2 3/4 tablespoons{optional, but you know I love me some Olive Oil} Finding the Citric Acid was the hardest part of this project. You’ll also need something to shape the bath bombs. Ahead of time I ground up the Epsom Salt until it was a really fine powder. Mix together your dry ingredients. See what I mean? Like so.

Allison. 50 All Natural Beauty Products You Can Make Yourself - Planet Green. Homemade Natural Deodorant. For the updated version of this recipe, FAQ, along with demonstration video, please click here. Did you know you can make your own wonderful deodorant with just a few completely natural ingredients? This recipe is awesome!

It is frugal and very effective! Aaron & I have been using it for over a year now, and it has worked wonders. It smells wonderful, but very faint, so the hubby does not mind! Ingredients: 5-6 Tbsp Coconut oil 1/4 cup baking soda 1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch Combine equal portions of baking soda & arrowroot powder.

Read here and here for more wonderful uses of coconut oil! About Lindsay.