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Android Development

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Android. Each Navigation Drawer hides a ViewDragHelper - Flavien Laurent. Recently, at the Google I/O 2013, two new layouts have been introduced: SlidingPaneLayout, a view that can be dragged from bottom to top and vice versa and the DrawerLayout, now used in almost all Google applications.

Each Navigation Drawer hides a ViewDragHelper - Flavien Laurent

Both of these use a new concept to more easily manage dragging: the ViewDragHelper. In this article, I’m going to talk about the ViewDragHelper (aka VDH) because making a custom layout with dragging child view may be pain sometimes. First, I will show you how to use it and how it works (the main lines). Secondly, I will expose you a use case where the VDH is really useful. PomepuyN/BlurEffectForAndroidDesign. Android Development Tutorial. Useful Android resources. I started Android development a few years before and have been working on some really cool projects with Android.

Useful Android resources

Here's a list of resources that I have found to be really useful so far: Android Annotations: Android Annotations is a library that simplifies code maintainance and development by allowing the use of annotations for performing common Android tasks. It makes the code look so much cleaner and doesn't have performance impacts on the application. It has annotations to help with a lot of stuff from background tasks to tasks on UI thread, rest services, application class, activities, fragments and a lot more. This is one of my personal favorites and something that I have been using in all my Android applications.

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