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IELTS Preparation Case study: Band 7.5 in just 10 days. | IELTS-Blog. Hey, you're new here! I love new people, welcome. You may want to subscribe to IELTS-Blog and get all the updates via email or via RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Inokoue, a student from Malaysia says: “Hi Simone! It’s going to be a great weekend for me! Speaking 8.5, Listening 8.5, Reading 6.5, Writing 7! Overall: 7.5!!!

I am so so happy! Thank you so much. Background Inokoue is a student from Malaysia, who had to take the IELTS test to be accepted to a university in another country. In that short period of time Inokoue managed to raise the score from around 6.5 to 7.5 overall, with band 8.5 for both Speaking and Listening. Apart from reading Target Band 7 and practicing for 10 days Inokoque didn’t have to do ANYTHING. Objective Inokoue urgently needed to get IELTS Band Score of 7 or above within 10 days of studying.

Strategy Inokoue estimated her band score by solving IELTS practice tests and found out that it needs to go from 6.5 up to 7 or above. Execution How: A. B. How: A. B. A. B. Results. 4 Must Know To-Do Lists To Prioritize Tasks. Do you often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have, or have you missed an important deadline? Or have you ever forgotten to do something important? These are symptoms of lacking organizational skills needed to prioritize tasks with a proper to-do list. To-do lists are key for efficiency because they list everything that you have to do, the most important tasks at the top, and the least important tasks at the bottom.

Leverage Your Organizational Skills Your ability to improve your organizational skills and prioritize tasks is a measure of your overall competence. One of your top goals at work should be for you to prioritize tasks by using your organizational skills to get the highest possible return on your investment of mental, emotional and physical energy.

Create Your To-Do List Put your organizational skills to work and prioritize tasks by always working from a list. Improve your organizational skills and make out your to-do list the night before, at the end of the workday. What Successful People Did In Their 20s. Lifehacker - Tips and downloads for getting things done. How-To Help and Videos - For Dummies. SUCCESS.