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Beauty Hair Routine By Hair Type Texture. Feeling weighed down by your hair routine? You're not alone. Luckily, the solution is simple: It’s time to purge your way to becoming a full-blown minimalist. While barely there makeup and neatly groomed nails are in, we’re ready to cut down on another time-consuming part of our days, too. Unless you’re a hairstylist or are frequently touched by the hands of one, figuring out what you need and when you need it can be a tough skill to learn. Click ahead to see every product you really need for your hair and get ready to push those unneeded bottles to the back of the shelf. Begin Slideshow. How To Dress For Your Tricky Body Type. Best Braids - Braid Ideas By Hair Length. There's only so much you can do to your lips before you venture into ridiculous territory and start applying 100 layers of gloss, pressing on crystals, or smearing wasabi paste all over them. Ditto for nails — you can adjust the shape, color, or texture, or even glue on gizmos and gadgets...but that's about it.

Braids, though, are a whole other story. The number of ways in which they can be varied and tweaked — no matter the length or style of your cut — really seems endless. You can knot 'em, wrap them around the crown, switch up your weaving style midway, or, depending on your manual dexterity, you could even attempt a 10-strand plait. To prove their power, we've got 30 unexpected braid ideas ahead — but only because we didn't think you could make it through 1,000. Begin Slideshow. Best Hair Texturizers - Sexy Hair Styling Tips. If you have curls, don't spend hours manipulating your texture into an "undone look.

" Instead, try these styling tweaks to get this gorgeous halo effect. Messy, textured hair has fully infiltrated the runway and red carpet, and the lazy girl in us is ecstatic. But, just as it is with "no-makeup makeup," these effortless looks actually do require a bit of effort — and it varies from style to style. Ahead, we've pulled together a few of our favorite undone-but-done hair moments — along with the best hair sprays and styling hacks to get you there faster. Because if you're going for the "I overslept" look, you shouldn't have to wake up early for it. Begin Slideshow. Beauty Experts Best Apps - Schwarzkopf, Styleseat. Pick up an iPhone, any iPhone, and it's pretty safe to say you'll find Instagram, Facebook, Seamless, Uber — and maybe even Bumble, VSCO, and Facetune — on the home screen. But there's a whole rabbit hole of cooler, under-the-radar apps to round out your collection, especially in the beauty sphere, and no one knows them better than the hairstylists, makeup artists, and manicurists who use them to make their clients look amazing.

To wit: Makeup artist James Kaliardos, a fixture backstage at Fashion Week, uses real-time makeup try-on apps to test how a goth lip would look on models walking the Rodarte runway. Meanwhile, hairstylist Caile Noble, who works with Gigi Hadid and the Haim sisters, swears by one that lets you test bangs before actually cutting 'em. And hairstylist Jen Atkin? She has a digital Rolodex to keep Kim Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen's appointments straight.

Ahead, we asked them, along with other top pros, to spill about the beauty-related apps they always open. Is A Capsule Wardrobe the Solution to Your Closet Frustrations? | Personal Stylist and Branding Consultant Boston | Nicole Otchy. The onset of 2016 brought with it a flurry of inquiries from new and established clients about whether a capsule wardrobe could be the best wardrobe solution for them. The concept was created by London boutique owner Susie Faux in the 1970’s. In 2008, when the economy tanked, interest in this strategy for dressing swelled. But, this most recent round of interest wasn't lining up with economic trends or a runaway trend. The more I thought about it and spoke with clients, the more I understood where all the interest was coming from as we ushered in a new year. Will this help me spend wisely while simultaneously hone in on my unique personal style? Before diving into some guidelines for who a capsule wardrobe is the best solution for, and who may want to think twice, here’s a very brief description of what a capsule wardrobe is in case you’re not sure: A capsule is made up of 37 pieces of clothing from the following categories: tops, bottoms, dresses, shoes, and outerwear.

SPLIT DECISION. Post + photos by amy nadine, graphic design by eunice chun This lovely look is an homage to Raquel Welch from the 1960’s and is actually easier than it seems if you just break it down. Your friends will be so impressed! Here’s all you need to do: TOOLS: You’ll need a flesh-toned shadow, a brown or grey kohl pencil for the crease, a Q-tip, a black kohl pencil for the lash line, an angled liner brush, a black liquid liner, a black eyeshadow, a white longwear pencil, concealer, concealer brush, pressed face powder, mascara, Winks faux lashes and eco-friendly lash glue.

Yes that’s a lot! STEPS: 1. Then pair it with a nude lip for a Sixties feel! Related posts: OH HEY BIG EYES! Post + photos by amy nadine, graphic design by eunice chun For something so simple, a pop of color along the underlid makes quite an impact. For demonstration purposes I’m showing the how to on my fellow blogger Taye Hansberry’s normal-sized eyes (check out her fashion blog here!) , but this is especially great for those of us with monolids or smaller eyes.

Either instance, opting for a colored liner or shadow on your bottom lash line will make your eyes appear even larger and more interesting. Here’s how: A colored pencil or gel liner. Line your bottom lash line, extending it out a little past your outer corner.Apply the taupe shadow all over the lid and crease, also extending it out past your outer corner so it’s equidistant to where the underliner ends.Apply mascara to the top and bottom lashes. Pair this colored underlid pop with a lip and cheek from the softer/paler world (light pink, pale peach, nude) so they don’t compete with each other and all the attention goes to your eyes. Create your capsule wardrobe {part 1} | Lifestyle Family Photographer in Raleigh | Jess Rotenberg Photography. What the HECK is a capsule wardrobe? Great question! A capsule wardrobe is a minimalist wardrobe. When you remove all the unnecessary and unworn items from your closet and fill it with the bare minimum keeping just the items you adore, you’ve created yourself a capsule wardrobe.

I was first introduced to the concept in a little book I found by Marie Kondo called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. What makes you qualified to talk about this crazy idea? I have a capsule wardrobe of about 33 pieces per season and successfully donated all of the following clothing items: clothes that didn’t fit, clothes I didn’t love, clothes I wore in middle school, clothes I wore in high school, clothes I wore in college, clothes that were too small, and clothes that I loved but that were worn out. Do you count everything? I don’t count pajamas, workout clothes, bathing suits, parkas, hiking boots, scarves, or jewelry.

Do yourself a favor and don’t downgrade old clothes to lounge wear. Also, underwear. Diane Kruger Basically Wore My Dream Summer Outfit. A universally* accepted truth about summer is that it is impossible to get dressed and still look cute. There's something mind-blowingly tricky about shorts; layering isn't an option, and that's not even tackling what to do with your hair or your makeup. Obviously this is not a problem for superhuman Diane Kruger. Have you ever seen Diane Kruger look bad? The answer is no, you have not. She was running around New York City on Friday looking better than anyone has the right to look in high combinations of heat and humidity. *In a universe where I am the only occupant. How To Tuck In A Shirt, Top, Blouse - Styling Trick. While you're more likely to see me with my top tucked in than not, this isn't the case for everyone — to some, tucking in a shirt can bring back unpleasant memories of a private school uniform, past waitressing days, or Steve Urkel from Family Matters.

But, there are a few game-changing (yet still simple) ways to tuck in your top without feeling awkward. Tucking is one of those styling tricks so many people overlook, even though it can totally transform a wide variety of outfits. Plus, being on the petite side, I've found that pairing high-waisted silhouettes with a tucked-in top is one of the easiest ways to look (and feel) polished, refined, and like I put a little extra effort in (and there's nothing not to love about that, especially on rushed mornings). To convince you that tucking is the way to go, I've put five different strategies to the test.

Click through to find the one that works best with your favorite pieces. Begin Slideshow. 3 High-Low Beauty Techniques That Make All The Difference. I love shortcuts as much as the next lazy girl, but for all my lackadaisical habits, I don’t want anyone to think I’m actually lazy. Mostly, I don’t want to sacrifice punctuality because I take forever to primp and preen. I also want to take care of myself so I’ve always got an able body and a good face base to begin with. However, ease and effortlessness are not without their own rituals. Everyone has their particulars when it comes to what works for them--but I’ve developed a couple of tricks to help my hapless self look good for good. 1. After all the hype about the 10 to 12 steps of Korean skin care, I finally decided to try it... sort of.

How to cleanse: Froth your face with cleanser and begin massaging, moving from the center of your face to the outside in circular motions. I’ve also realized how important it is to pay attention to your neck and chest when you’re young so you don’t get weird neck wrinkles (most likely from looking down at your smartphone). 2. 3. Left Bank Girl: French Girl Style Muse Lou Doillon. I have a song going through my head, "So I drag myself to the corner cafe, and for a second I see you there, like in the good old days, and I wonder what you're doing, what you're up to these days. " The song is ICU, sung by Lou Dillon, so I was inspired to cover her style. I wondered how I had missed writing about her previously! Not only does she sing, she acts and models. And she inspires us with her casual, luxe, tomboy approach to fashion.

And of course there's style in the family with mother Jane Birkin and sister Charlotte Gainsbourg. With long chestnut tresses and big brown eyes, she's gorgeous, mysterious, and totally relatable too. How do we dress like Lou? Black is always the perfect base. Change the black to black leather leggings and mix in white for a super chic and edgy look. Try black tights and and a funky textured dress and a black jacket for the hippest French style. It's jeans again with a gorgeous embroidered jacket. Effortless in Chanel! Relaxing in couture. Wardrobe Clear-Out Tips - Wardrobe De-clutter - Top 5 Tips.

As you might know, I’m moving to NYC for a year in 4 weeks time so over the past few months I’ve had some pretty ruthless wardrobe clear-outs. Weirdly enough, I actually quite enjoy a good clear-out. There’s something very therapeutic about getting rid of unwanted items and having everything organised. Whenever I’m really stressed or anxious about something… you’ll find me tidying my room! And it ALWAYS seems to help. However, I do know that this task can be a little daunting for a lot of you and more often than not, it is that task on the to-do list that never actually gets done. So here are some Wardrobe Clear-Out Tips which I find to be the most helpful… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. So there you have it! Hope you’ve all had a lovely start to the week! Stylishly Yours, Erika x. 20 Ways To Take Beauty Risks With Your Hair & Makeup.

Diana Vreeland has always been one of my glamorous idols. Her wildly popular column for Harper’s Bazaar, “Why Don’t You?” , encouraged readers to think differently about themselves, their style, and the world around them. Of course, because it was DV writing, these suggestions swung wildly between the cleverly achievable and the somewhat-bonkers. Therefore, “Why don’t you tie black tulle bows around your wrists?” Was mixed in with, “Why don't you own, as does one extremely smart woman, 12 diamond roses of all sizes?”

I don’t think the majority of these suggestions were meant to be taken literally. To me, this column represents an idea: Why don’t you take a risk? And what better time to make yourself into the person you want to be than January? Why not boldly define your brows, wear a dark lipstick, and leave the rest of your face bare (or nearly bare)? Why not spend an hour on Instagram looking at all the amazing nail art talent that’s out there? Why not try fake bangs out for a week? Extra Petite | Petite Fashion, Style Tips and DIY. This is a scheduled post. I won't be able to answer any questions until I return. Thank you for reading! I wish ankle boots weren't so challenging for shorter legs, because I love the bit of edge they add.

An easy, elongating way for petites to do the ankle boot is to pair black booties with dark bottoms or tights (see oldie). If you want to go bare-legged, try shorts or dresses/skirts with higher hems to make up for the leg line being truncated at the ankle. When I initially purchased these cognac booties online, I pictured them to be lengthening against tanned legs.

After much trial and error, I ended up with a few pairings that were acceptable but not great. Keeping the top half sleek was also important. You can easily convert this outfit for the office by replacing the mini and ankle boots with a longer skirt and pumps. Readers - I'd love to hear your ideas (or see links) on other ways a short-legged girl can style non-black ankle boots. Extra Petite | Petite Fashion, Style Tips and DIY. Extra Petite | Petite Fashion, Style Tips and DIY. Extra Petite | Petite Fashion, Style Tips and DIY. Extra Petite | Petite Fashion, Style Tips and DIY. Extra Petite | Petite Fashion, Style Tips and DIY. Extra Petite | Petite Fashion, Style Tips and DIY. Extra Petite | Petite Fashion, Style Tips and DIY. Jeaneology: The Need-to-Know Styles - Mama's A Rolling Stone. Cool Girl Uniform - Popular Outfits. Age Appropriate Fashion Advice - Iris Apfel Style Icon. Ivanka Trump Sarena Boot.

Which Bras ACTUALLY Look Seamless Under a T-Shirt? Nowthatslingerie. Fast Fashion Brand Alternatives - Ethical Sustainable.