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Pinoccio - Wireless microcontroller for web-enabled DIY projects. LED Control with Arduino Ethernet Shield Web Server. Created on: 29 January 2013 Part 5 of the Arduino Ethernet Shield Web Server Tutorial In this part of the tutorial, the Arduino and Ethernet shield serves up a web page that allows an LED to be switched on and off. The LED is connected to one of the Arduino pins – this simple circuit can be built on a breadboard. This video shows the LED being controlled from the web page: Arduino Web Server LED Controller Hardware The LED is interfaced to the Arduino as shown in the circuit diagram in the Starting with Arduino tutorial. An SD card is not used in this web server. The hardware is shown in the image below. LED Web Server Hardware How the LED is Controlled Web Page and HTML Web Page and HTML Code with Checkbox Unchecked The Arduino web server serves up a page that allows the user to click a check box to switch the LED on and off.

LED Web Server Web Page - Checkbox Unchecked The HTML code that the Arduino web server sends to the web browser is shown below. Web Page and HTML Code with Checkbox Checked.


Das eigene Haus hacken: So baust du dir eine Fernbedienung, die Türen öffnet. Wer per Fernbedienung den HTPC oder Beamer hoch und die Jalousien herunterfahren möchte, das Licht dimmen oder die Heizung einschalten möchte, der benötigt eine Heimautomation. Fertige Produkte gibt es in diesem Bereich reichlich: Von der billigsten Funksteckdose (die nur bei gutem Wetter funktioniert) bis zur luxuriösen Produktserie, die die Tür abschließt oder die Heizung steuert. Wer viel Geld ausgeben möchte, kann die Installation getrost einem Fachmann überlassen. Wer aber Geld sparen möchte und den Drang verspürt, selbst Hand anzulegen, dem bieten sich vielfältige Möglichkeiten.

Mit ein paar Mikrocontrollern und einer Handvoll Bauteilen lässt sich nämlich eine Heimautomation (auch mit geringen Vorkenntnissen) relativ einfach selbst bauen. Bis vor kurzem galten Mikrocontroller selbst unter vielen Programmierern als biestige Ungetüme. Was ist Arduino? Welches Arduino passt für die Heimautomation? Funk mit RFM12 Die Zentrale und ihre Frontends Weiter auf Seite 2: „Die Steuerung per Web“ » StyleGuide.

Reference Language | Libraries | Comparison | Changes This is not a set of hard and fast rules, it's a set of guidelines. Some of these guidelines might even conflict with each other. Use your judgment on when they're best followed, and if you're not sure, ask someone who'll be learning from what you write what makes the most sense. You might also be interested in the API Style Guide for Arduino Writing a tutorial (most of this is borrowed from various editors over the years) Write in the active voice. Write clearly and conversationally, as if the person following your instructions were there in the room with you. When giving instruction, write in the second person, so the reader understands that she's the one who'll be doing it.

Use short, simple, declarative sentences and commands rather than compound sentences. Give directions in no uncertain terms like so: "Next, you'll read the sensor... " "Make a variable called thisPin... " Avoid phrases that add no information. Check your assumptions. Programming Arduino more efficiently. Arduino boards are great – they use standardized layout and are compatible with lots of custom shields. Arduinos also come with pretty good programming IDE and bootloader.

All these features make them attractive for most of hobbyists…until your needs grow up. If you program Arduino by using standard Arduino libraries you notice how easy it is to implement most of tasks. This is because simplicity is a trade off efficiency. If you want your programs to run more faster or want to squeeze bigger programs to fit in to MCU you will have a dilemma – use bigger/faster Arduino, write you own programs and libraries in C or C++ or use different library that is more efficient. Guys from have decided to write their own c++ library for Arduino boards.

They focused more on efficiency of programs than easy of use. Read. ArduinoEclipsePlugin/ at master · DanChianucci/ArduinoEclipsePlugin. The best Microcontroller projects and resources.


O'Baka / One Chip Arduino. "0'baka Project" means a stupid project. This project is to make things which is not art and which is not usable. Now, I am making "One chip arduino" by using ordinary parts. Japanese English The circuit of LilyPad arduino is mounted on the DIP of ATmega88. There are Reset-SW,Skech loading pin-header and LED of D13. Using internal clock 8MHz. Doesn't put ICSP pin-header because there is no space. LCD Digital Clock It used "One Chip Arduino", LCD and RTC. Arduino on Arduino I made DIP a flat by force to hold down height. It's form such as a weird bug. Connected LCD. "One Chip Arduino" which I made as a joke.

Other hacks (not o'baka project) Burning the Bootloader without external AVR-Writer Arduino meets Processing via Wifi. WebServer. Web Server well structured For work I've done, I needed to put a webserver on an Arduino.Other examples are too easy for my case, so I realized this sketch.Now, I publish it for the Arduino community. Open source rocks! I hope someone can find it useful :-) mw - <Yes, I'm new to the Arduino and found your sketch a great starting point - thank you so much for posting. Hardware needed an Arduino, obviously an Ethernet Shield Pages on flash memory There are 5 pages in this sketch (page 1, 2, 3, 4 and login). I've modified the script posted by Alessandro Calzavara to allow easy customization (removed variables limits and other stuff like URI managment). // Page 2 PROGMEM prog_char http_uri2[] = "/page2"; PROGMEM prog_char content_title2[] = "<h2>Page 2</h2>"; PROGMEM prog_char content_page2[] = "<hr /><h3>Content of Page 2</h3><p>Nothing here.

The first value is the HTTP URI (page name), the second is the page title and the third is the real content. Page request That's all. Sketch WebServer.h.


Arduino Tutorials - Ethernet+SD. Whatsit? We just got the latest version of the Arduino Ethernet shield with a MicroSD card slot and I promised Bill Greiman I'd try out the latest version of his SdFatLib library so I decided to code up a simple Webified file browser. Its a quicky project and demonstrates what you can do, but it isn't 100% perfect so you should be ready to modify it if you'd like to do other stuff, 'K? This is a good beginning to a logging web-monitor, or remote storage system.

Get familiar Initializing Micro-SD card on an Ethernet shield The latest Arduino Ethernet shield comes with a handy MicroSD card slot so that you can store and retrieve data through the shield. Be sure to have the very latest version of SdFatLib , as you'll need some of the newer capabilities! First thing to note is that the SS (Slave Select) pin for the card is digital 4 (although as of the writing of this mini-tutorial, the schematic hasn't been updated, you'll have to trust me!) Uint8_t r = card.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED); To: List files.


Streaming Arduino Data to a Browser without Flash or Java | The Concord Consortium. What if you were reading a blog or working through an online lesson and you could just plug in your Arduino and start taking data or interacting with models right in your browser? Here at the Concord Consortium we are very interested in making sensors that are easy to use in the classroom or embedded directly into rich online curriculum. We’ve done some work in the past using applets as an intermediary to read data from commercial sensors and displaying them in lightweight graphs in the browser.

When we think of fun, hackable, multi-probe sensors, though, we naturally think of Arduinos — we are open-source geeks after all. In thinking of ways to display Arduino data in a browser with the minimum amount of fuss, we considered both our existing applet technique and using the new HID capabilities of the Arduino Unos. With this idea, it was quick work to hack the Arduino Server example to send JSON values of the analog pins and create a webpage that would rapidly poll the Arduino for data.

aJson – Handle JSON with Arduino — Interactive Matter Lab. Update: There has bee a major API change in Version 1.0 refer to the dedicated aJson page. Exchanging data with other computers can be a daunting task with Arduino. No matter if you just want to pass some information to Processing, to a Web Service or something else – You always have to encode the data and decode the answer. Using aJson To use aJson get it from the git repository or download the latest version. Unpack the zip file (or the git files) into an Folder ‘aJson’ in the Arduino library directory ‘libraries\’.

To parse the above structure with aJson you simply convert it to a object tree: aJsonObject* jsonObject = aJson.parse(json_string); (assuming you got the JSON string in the variable json_string – as a char*). aJsonObject* name = aJson.getObjectItem(root, "name"); The value of name can be retrieved via: Serial.println(name->value.valuestring); name->type which can be either aJson_False, aJson_True, aJson_NULL, aJson_Number, aJson_String, aJson_Array or aJson_Object.

Finished? Push Notifications from Arduino to Windows Phone 8. This article explains how to push notifications from an Arduino board to an Windows Phone 8 application through the network. Introduction This is another post about integration between Arduino and Windows Phone. This article will explains how to send push notifications from Arduino to the Windows Phone through the network. It makes possible to alert you anywhere when some sensor state is updated.

This post will show the following: How to connect to the Internet using an Arduino board; How to create push notification requests in Arduino; How to receive these push notifications on Windows Phone 8 application. Sample application (Simple alarm) An arduino board that listen to the infrared motion sensor and send a push notification to the mobile client application when some motion is detected. Architecture The below image shows how this architecture works togheter with the Arduino board. Mobile application Arduino (4) Receives the push notification and notify the user Hardware used Schematic Code.