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Programming skills

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C++ - Segmentation fault on large array sizes. Table of Contents: the Standard Template Library. Resources - What is the single most influential book every programmer should read. 10 ways to improve your programming skills — AntoArts. 1. Learn a new programming language Learning new programming languages will expose you to new ways of thinking; especially if the new language uses a paradigm which you aren’t yet familiar with. Many of the ways of thinking that you will learn can be applied to languages that you already know, and you might even want to start using the new language for serious projects as well. Good languages providing a great educational experience (but not necessarily limited to that) include any Lisp ( Scheme is good), Forth , PostScript or Factor ( stack-oriented programming languages ), J (wonderful array programming language ), Haskell ( strongly typed purely functional programming language ), Prolog ( logic programming ) and Erlang ( concurrent programming goodness).