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Millions of Free Manuals. Free Manuals Online. Mac Buyer's Guide: Know When to Buy Your Mac, iPod or iPhone. 10 Coolest Keyboard Shortcuts You Never Knew About. OS X and macOS Sierra includes Mac shortcuts for just about everything, so people who develop dexterous digits can make windows pop open and fly around the screen like they're hacking the Matrix or something. So your mission is clear: master the shortcuts below to save humanity from the robots. A single shortcut can change the way you work for the better, so be sure to give our list a good look! Note: Our picks pertain specifically to commands found in OS X El Capitan, but most of these shortcuts were introduced in earlier versions of OS X a long time ago.

Another note: If you're using a Windows keyboard, substitute the Alt key for the Options key, and the Windows logo key for Command. 1. Get info While Cmd + I brings up the Get Info window in Finder, showing things like its location, name and size, adding the Option key will bring up a single Get Info window. This will update automatically when you click on a different file or folder or select multiple files and folders. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Apple.

Tricks to Get The Most From Your Mac. If you’re one of those Mac users that loves to dig in and play with hidden features and settings, this post is for you. Below you’ll find 30 tips and tricks to help both seasoned and beginner Mac users to get the most out of their OS X experience. We’ll cover everything from obscure Terminal commands to keyboard shortcuts that every Mac user should know and use.

Let’s get started! Dock Tricks Recent Items Stack Stacks are quite the handy addition to your Mac’s dock and the good people at Mac OS X Hints figured out a way to make them even more useful by creating a stack that automatically contains your most recent applications. These can of course be found under the Apple menu as well but it’s much more convenient to have them right in the dock. Recent Items Stack To accomplish this feat, simply copy and paste the line below into Terminal. defaults write persistent-others -array-add '{ "tile-data" = { "list-type" = 1; }; "tile-type" = "recents-tile"; }' Stacks List View Stationery.