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Ossonsdosanimais 1. Fable: The Tortoise and The Hare to young learners - Quem vai ler pra mim? Most adults have once in life read or been told a fable.

Fable: The Tortoise and The Hare to young learners - Quem vai ler pra mim?

When I was a child I heard some and then when I could finally read I read others. Fables are fabulous! Quem vai ler pra mim? - Um blog sobre literatura infantil, atividades de leitura e revisão de livros infantis em linguas inglesa, portuguesa e francesa. Dot to dots on What Happens In Our Brains As We Read. Monday, April 21, 2014 Amid the squawks and pings of our digital devices, the old-fashioned virtues of reading novels can seem faded, even futile.

What Happens In Our Brains As We Read

But new support for the value of fiction is arriving from an unexpected quarter: neuroscience. Brain scans are revealing what happens in our heads when we read a detailed description, an evocative metaphor or an emotional exchange between characters. Stories, this research is showing, stimulate the brain and even change how we act in life. Children’s Literature : The Booklist Reader. Great books for little people. The Book Chook. Teaching Strategies. Developed by Joseph M. Pisano, Ph.D. Kids' Book Review.