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Domain 6: Curating Good Practice

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Curating Learning Resources. Thing 6: Curation Tools. What is digital curation?

Thing 6: Curation Tools

Traditionally, we think of a curator as someone who selects objects, interprets context and manages collections in a musuem. But it also describes what librarians do with their collections, aka: collection development. And if you’ve ever selected, evaluated and organized a collection of great web resources for a research project, then you’re a curator! So why the explosion of interest in digital curation? With a mind-boggling amount of content on the Internet, content that varies enormously in quality, there’s huge value in relying on experts to select the best content for a topic.

Ironically, this harkens back to early days of the web, when we had easy-to-use directories of good resources that were curated for us. These are quick reads and will get you up to speed on the why curation is important, both for you professionally and as a skill to teach students. Social Bookmarking: Diigo is one of the most popular tools for collecting and organizing (maybe?) Save. 18 Of The Best Content Curation Tools For Discovering Great Content [2018 Update] Are you LOOKING FOR the best content curation tools to help your company find great content?

Maybe you’re tired of hunting and searching for content and want a tool that can help make your life 10x easier? In this post, it’s my goal to help uncover some of the best content curation tools for marketers. The best content curation tools of 2019 include: The vast majority of marketers, agencies and social media managers still manage their social media efforts with spreadsheets and bookmarks.

Instead of starting from scratch each morning – technology can help you curate content faster than ever before. Relying on manual efforts for content curation is a one way street to spending a countless number of hours hunting, digging and looking for great content. There’s no question that there are plenty of content curation software options for marketers, making it difficult to find the perfect fit.

Here’s a look at 17 of the best content curation tools available: – Content Curation Tool. Learning in Landscapes of Practice: Boundaries, identity, and knowledgeability in practice-based learning. Wenger-Trayner, Etienne; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Kubiak, Christopher; Hutchinson, Steven and Wenger-Trayner, Beverly eds. (2014).

Learning in Landscapes of Practice: Boundaries, identity, and knowledgeability in practice-based learning

Learning in Landscapes of Practice: Boundaries, identity, and knowledgeability in practice-based learning. Abingdon: Routledge. If the body of knowledge of a profession is a living landscape of practice, then our personal experience of learning can be thought of as a journey through this landscape. Within Learning in Landscapes of Practice, this metaphor is further developed in order to start an important conversation about the nature of practice knowledge, identity and the experience of practitioners and their learning. In doing so, this book is a pioneering and timely exploration of the future of professional development and higher education. The book combines a strong theoretical perspective grounded in social learning theories with stories from a broad range of contributors who occupy different locations in their own landscapes of practice.

What Is Content Curation & How it Can Help Market Your Brand - Web Success Team.