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2013 events. 2014 events. MOOCs. OcTEL - Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning. School of Open. Learn open practices at School of Open.

School of Open

Why "open"? Universal access to and participation in research, education, and culture is made possible by openness, but not enough people know what it means or how to take advantage of it. We hear about Open Source Software, Open Educational Resources, and Open Access… But what are these movements, who are their communities, and how do they work? Most importantly—how can they help me? A collaboration with the public. Learning about "open". Stand-alone courses that can be worked through at your own pace at any time, with or without others Facilitated courses that run for a set period of weeks with an organizer that provides feedback and facilitates discussion Get involved. Sign up for announcements. Creative Commons Announces “School of Open” with Courses to Focus on Digital Openness. Just in time to celebrate Open Education Week, here comes a new initiative, the School of Open, a learning environment focused on increasing our understanding of “openness” and the benefits it brings to creativity and education in the digital age.

Creative Commons Announces “School of Open” with Courses to Focus on Digital Openness

Developed by the collaborative education platform Peer to Peer University (P2PU) with organizational support from Creative Commons, the School of Open aims to spread understanding of the power of this brave new world through free online classes. We hear about it all the time: Universal access to research, education and culture—all good things, without a doubt—made possible by things like open source software, open educational resources and the like. But what are these various communities and what do they mean? How can we all learn more and get involved? School of Open has rolled the conversation back to square one so that understanding the basics is easy.

These free courses are open for you to take at any time: Related Content: A Meta List of MOOCs. Discovery learning is the new higher learning. Encyclopedias, record labels and publishers were once in the business of producing unique content that generated big revenues.

Discovery learning is the new higher learning

All are being bludgeoned by the digital age that brought abundance, mass participation, democratized production and the rise of a new delivery channel – the Internet. A similar fate could soon await Canada’s universities. On the surface, they may seem in good health. Competition is fierce and lecture halls are packed with young, tech-savvy learners. But as The Globe and Mail’s series on higher education has clearly revealed, deep anxieties exist. The university is in danger of losing its monopoly, and for good reason.

530 Free Online Courses from Top Universities. Advertisment Take online courses from the world’s top universities for free.

530 Free Online Courses from Top Universities

Below, you will find 1,700 free online courses from universities like Yale, MIT, Harvard, Oxford and more. Our site also features collections of Online Certificate Programs and Online Degree & Mini-Degree Programs. Note: This page includes a lot of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). If you want to enroll in a free version of a MOOC, please select the “Full Course, No Certificate” (edX) or “Audit” (Coursera) option. Humanities & Social Sciences Art & Art History Courses. ICT CPD 4 Free. Advance Your Education With Free College Courses Online - Udacity. 650 Free Online Courses from Top Universities. Reflections after 25 years with online teaching. During the fall of 1987, I developed and taught my first online course for NKI Nettstudier. As far as I know, it was the very first online distance education course in Europe.

To celebrate the 25th aniversary, we have now scanned and uploaded the first English report Torstein Rekkedal and I wrote about our pioneering experiences wich is titled The Electronic College: Selected articles from the Ekko project. You may also be interested in the very first article I wrote for an international journal in 1987: In Search of a Virtual School. Since I now design and teach the first courses for Campus NooA, I have made the following reflections about the developments during these 25 years: The ICT systems have continuously become faster and more powerful. There has been a lot of focus on technology and digital learning resources, but I will speak up for people who suceed in utilizing the systems well. Maybe this is why online pedagogy hasn’t changes so much as I expected 25 years ago.