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Learning / Taxomonies

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Learning: Theory and Research - Overview of Learning Theories. Video Resources for PBL and Deeper Learning. I am excited to announce that Envision Schools is now Envision Education. Envision Education encompasses our schools division, with our four high-performing college prep schools in the Bay Area, as well as our consulting division, Envision Learning Partners, which is bringing professional development and coaching to schools and districts around the country.

These two divisions support and are accountable to each other, and together work toward our mission of making college attendance and success a reality for students. Envision Education is now better positioned to transform the lives of students everywhere and to ensure that we are sending graduates to college prepared for that challenge. As we prepare to celebrate our 10th anniversary in 2013, we are reflecting on all of Envision's accomplishments over the last decade. Like with Edutopia, people tell us these videos make the work come alive for them whether they are teachers, students, parents, school leaders, or policy makers. A Powerful App For Every Level Of Bloom's Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy has been steadily increasing its presence in my everyday reads lately. The revised version is really speaking to a lot of educators who are using it – often in concert with a variety of technologies – to address the different levels of educational objectives.

(Note: If you need a quick refresher on the basics of Bloom’s Taxonomy, check out this post). Using Apps There are a ton of apps out there that address different ideas in the Bloom’s Taxonomy hierarchy. There are a multitude of resources out there that list tons of apps that are relevant. Remembering Apps that fit into the ‘remembering’ bucket include those that improve a student’s ability to identify and recall facts, define terms and concepts, and locate information. Screen Chomp is a free app that is a basic doodling board with markers. Understanding The ‘understanding’ bucket should be filled with apps that allow students to explain concepts and ideas that they have come to understand. Applying Analyzing Evaluating. What is learning? How They Get It: A New, Simple Taxonomy For Understanding.

How They Get It: A New, Simple Taxonomy For Understanding by Terry Heick How can you tell if a student really understands something? They learn early on to fake understanding exceptionally well, and even the best assessment leaves something on the table. (In truth, a big portion of the time students simply don’t know what they don’t know.) The idea of understanding is, of course, at the heart of all learning, and solving it as a puzzle is one of the three pillars of formal learning environments and education. 1. 2. 3. But how do we know if they know it? Understanding As “It” On the surface, there is trouble with the word “it.” “It” is essentially what is to be learned, and it can be scary thing to both teachers and students. And in terms of content, “it” could be almost anything: a fact, a discovery, a habit, skill, or general concept, from a mathematical theory to a scientific process, the importance of a historical figure to an author’s purpose in a text.

How It Works Early Understanding 1. Theories-of-learning.jpg 553×2,991 pixels. Next generation learning. Useful Bloom’s Taxonomy Poster. Three Steps to Layering the Curriculum « How the Brain Learns: The Blog. Layering the curriculum is a simple way to differentiate instruction, encourage higher-level thinking, prepare students for adult-world decision making and hold them accountable for learning. Any lesson plan can be converted into a layered unit with three easy steps (Nunley, 2004, 2006). Step One: Add some choice. Choice transforms a classroom instantly. Choice suddenly turns unmotivated students into motivated ones, ensures student attention, and gives students the perception of control. Take your teaching objectives and offer two or three assignment choices as to how students can learn those objectives.

Step Two: Hold students accountable for learning. Step Three: Encourage higher-level thinking. The C layer consists of all the objectives that have to do with the lower levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. All students are expected to complete the three layers. References: Nunley, K. (2004). Like this: Like Loading... Anne Murphy Paul: Why Floundering Makes Learning Better.

Call it the “learning paradox”: the more you struggle and even fail while you’re trying to master new information, the better you’re likely to recall and apply that information later. The learning paradox is at the heart of “productive failure,” a phenomenon identified by Manu Kapur, a researcher at the Learning Sciences Lab at the National Institute of Education of Singapore. Kapur points out that while the model adopted by many teachers and employers when introducing others to new knowledge — providing lots of structure and guidance early on, until the students or workers show that they can do it on their own — makes intuitive sense, it may not be the best way to promote learning. Rather, it’s better to let the neophytes wrestle with the material on their own for a while, refraining from giving them any assistance at the start. (MORE: Paul: The Secret to Grace Under Pressure) With one group of students, the teacher provided strong “scaffolding” — instructional support — and feedback.

Learning to learn: 10 essential skills for teachers! August 19, 2012 by NovaNews Learning to learn – an interesting phrase which holds an interesting thought, don’t you think? They are words that popped into my mind just now when I was reading the words of another: Leo Babauta: 9 Essential Skills Kids Should Learn. Originally published on his blog zenhabits … breathe I actually came across this post on Daily Good: News that inspires. I found my thoughts getting mixed up though with the words of a colleague who had just posted a reflective comment. To successfully engage with an audience it’s necessary to feel passionate about the subject.” I admit to being taken aback a little. Is this a case of presuming that everyone thinks like me? So when I was reading the post about essential skills that kids should learn, my mind kept flicking to a list of essential techniques and skills needed by teachers to successfully teach. Teaching is an all-encompassing occupation.

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