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Java collections interview questions. Core Java Interview Questions. UML Tutorial. Struts 1 Tutorial. In this tutorials, you will learn how to create a simple customer management (add and select) web application, Maven as project management tool, Struts 1.x as web framework, Spring as dependency injection framework and Hibernate as database ORM framework. The overall integration architecture is look like following : Struts (Web page) <---> Spring DI <--> Hibernate (DAO) <---> Database To integrate all those technologies together, you should.. Integrate Spring with Hibernate with Spring’s “LocalSessionFactoryBean” class.Integrate Spring with Struts via Spring’s ready make Struts plug-in – “ContextLoaderPlugIn“. 1. Project Structure This is this final project structure. 2.

Create a customer table to store the customer details. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ``. 3. Define all the Struts, Spring and Hibernate dependency libraries in pom.xml.pom.xml 4. Nothing much need to configure in Hibernate, just declare a customer XML mapping file and model.Customer.hbm.xml 5. 6. <? Spring Hibernate Tutorial. Struts + Spring integration example. Here’s a tutorial to show how to access beans declared in the Spring Ioc container in a web application developed with Apache Struts 1.x. Spring comes with “Struts-specific” solution for access beans declared in the Spring Ioc container. Register a Spring’s ready-make Struts plug-in in the Struts configuration file.Change your Struts action class to extend the Spring’s ActionSupport class, a subclass of the Struts Action class.The ActionSupport provide a convenient getWebApplicationContext() method for you to access beans declared in Spring Ioc container. 1.

Struts + Spring dependencies To integrate with Struts 1.x, Spring is required the “spring-web.jar” and “spring-struts.jar” libraries. You can download it from Spring web site or Maven. pom.xml <! 2. In your Struts configuration file (struts-config.xml), register the Spring’s ready-make Struts plug-in – “ ContextLoaderPlugIn“. struts-config.xml The “ContextLoaderPlugIn” will handle all the integration work between Struts and Spring. 3. Spring Dao Injection : Spring Hibernate « Hibernate  Struts Hibernate Spring,Login and User Registration Application. What does Spring do? AWK in dos.