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Bra-making Sew Along: Hack Your Bra #1. I have to admit that this part of the sew-along is the part I was most excited about!

Bra-making Sew Along: Hack Your Bra #1

I love the process of thinking about shapes, of sitting down with paper and rulers (or lately, Illustrator) and drawing new design ideas. I know pattern-making can seem intimidating but bras are such a great way to jump in and exercise your secret hacker. It all involves so little paper and fabric! So in the spirit of my Lingerie Fridays, I want to share some of my favorite bras with you along with some ideas on how to generate them from your base pattern. band style How about a longline? You can lengthen the band straight from center front, side seam and back, as the lines in red demonstrate. Strap style How about fabric or lace straps?

Again, style and function–the less elastic the strap, the longer it lasts. Lingerie Sewing - HOW TO - Make Bra — Make Bra. This HOW-TO page is a place for all detailed information, including videos, about how to make a bra and other lingerie.

Lingerie Sewing - HOW TO - Make Bra — Make Bra

So, let’s start with the basics by making a foam lined bra from start to finish. How to Make a Foam Lined Bra Note that there is no audio available. We want you to focus visually on our method. Quick links to the specific sections: Attach a Boning Casing – Directly to fabric– To the seam allowance Sew the casing directly to fabric Place the casing along a marked line on the wrong side of fabric. Sew the casing on the seam allowance Straight stitch the casing on the seam allowance as shown in the picture. Turn the garment around and topstitch with the narrow zigzag. How To Sew Bras. I’m going depart from my usual routine of writing about various sewing and pattern making topics and focus on one topic for the next two weeks.

How To Sew Bras

Recently, I’ve seen and read a lot, both in magazines and on blogs, about bras, lingerie, trousseaus, foundations or whatever those pieces worn underneath clothing are called. I was never interested in sewing a bra or a panty (I hate those words, do you?) Until I realized that a good fitting outfit starts with good fitting lingerie. I spent 3 months perfecting the fit of my sloper yet never thought to perfect to the fit of what I wore underneath. Yes, I wore the same bra during each muslin, which is super important, but who knew if that bra fit me correctly.

Lingerie is also an interesting and fun category. 1. 2. Also, the top and bottom edges of a bra usually (about 95% of the time) have elastic sewn to it. 3. The Band. I also recently learned, thanks to Novita, that bands can be cut on the bias to provide more give. The Cups. The Straps. 4. Keep Marketing Simple - Lighthouse Marketing.

Papercut Patterns. QC Style Academy - What Is a Style Mentor? Michi Girl — Daily. Here's the '90s fashion doco you've been waiting for. There's a new fashion documentary that's set to fully indulge your obsession with everything '90s.

Here's the '90s fashion doco you've been waiting for

Photo: Getty Stop reblogging vintage pictures of Kate Moss and listen here for a moment: There's a new fashion documentary that's set to fully indulge your obsession with everything '90s. Fashion in the 1990s (La mode des années 90), Loïc Prigent's tribute to the greatest sartorial decade, makes its Australian premiere this month. A fun trip down memory lane, the documentary covers all the iconic trends and reads rather like an endless stream of #TBTs. The '90s changed the way we dress irrevocably. Advertisement Watch and be taken back to the simpler days of your youth when you were sporting double denim, a Blossom hat and a hairstyle held together with a thousand bulldog clips. The film will screen as part of Fashion on Film, which runs from Saturday 21 February to Sunday 8 March at ACMI in Melbourne. DailyStyle. Stylebook Closet App: About Us.

The Stylebook Concept "Building a well-balanced, versatile wardrobe takes time and thought.

Stylebook Closet App: About Us

It isn't a sprint - it's a marathon. " - Nina Garcia, Marie Claire Stylebook is designed to help you carefully curate your wardrobe so you can look effortlessly chic everyday. We want you to get the most out of what you already have in your closet and to choose new pieces that will integrate well into your wardrobe as a whole. Bluegingerdoll - Vintage inspired sewing patterns, sewing tips and tricks: BILLIE JEAN SEW-ALONG # 2 - FULL BUST ADJUSTMENT aka (FBA) - PRINCESS SEAM BODICE.. OK sew -alongers, this blog post we are getting into the nitty gritty of the Billie Jean pattern, the serious side of business, just kidding don't panic!

Bluegingerdoll - Vintage inspired sewing patterns, sewing tips and tricks: BILLIE JEAN SEW-ALONG # 2 - FULL BUST ADJUSTMENT aka (FBA) - PRINCESS SEAM BODICE..

I will be showing you how to do a Full Bust Adjustment aka (FBA) on a princess seam bodice for the bodacious of bust! It may seem a little bit mysterious and you may be slightly panic stricken at the thought of doing an FBA, but i assure you it is easy!