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Checkliste zur Einrichtung von Magento nach der Installation - frag Nach der Installation von Magento steht der frischgebackene Shopbetreiber vor einer Vielzahl an Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, die er im Backend vornehmen kann. Dieser Artikel kann als eine Art Checkliste dienen, den Shop zum ersten Mal zu konfigurieren. Ich werde hier nur die Dinge behandeln, die vom Standard abweichen und geändert werden müssen. Diese Anleitung wurde für eine Magento-Installation (Community Edition mit deutschem Sprachpaket und Firegento German Setup erstellt. Bei der Nutzung anderer Pakete kann die Übersetzung leicht abweichen. Einstellungen unter System > Konfiguration Ich nutze hier den Konfigurationsbereich Standardkonfiguration.

Allgemein > Allgemein 1. Die Länderoptionen sind selbsterklärend. 2. Ich persönlich finde die Angabe von Bundesländern unnötig und deaktiviere sie daher nach Absprache mit dem Kunden. 3. Unter Optionen für die Lokalisizerung sollte als erster Tag der Woche natürlich Montag ausgewählt sein. 4. 5. Allgemein > Web 6. Allgemein > Design 7.

How To Create An Admin-Manageable Magento Entity For Brands. Advertisement In this tutorial, we will create a new “brand” entity in Magento that can be managed through the admin panel. Once we are finished, you will be able to create, update and delete brands that can be viewed in the front-end independently, much in the same way that you can interact with existing entities such as “products” and “categories.” In addition, we will associate our new brand entity with other Magento entities, such as products. The process itself is quite lengthy because I will explain each step in detail, but it really is easy once you know how, and it’s a great example of how powerful the Magento platform can be with minimal effort. We will cover the following topics: This tutorial refers to the Magento Community Edition, the latest version available at the time of writing.

But the code and principles apply to all recent Magento versions, both Community and Enterprise. Creating Our Module Start by creating the following folder and file structure. <? <? <? <? Eyemaginellc. Shopify vs Magento - Which one is better? - Magento & WordPress Experts | Hudson Valley NY Web Designers. When searching Shopify vs Magento on Google, the first two listings come from Shopify itself. Clicking on those links, they don’t essentially say much about Shopify’s features, not even a comparison table. Instead, there are some testimonials from Shopify’s satisfied customers, and a few lines of us vs them where Shopify states that they invented online shopping, they will water your grass while you’re on vacation and will sincerely love you for who you are.

Since there is no clear comparison as to why one should use or not use either Magento or Shopify, today’s post is going to do exactly that, a head-to-head comparison between Shopify and Magento. First lets start with a small bio for both companies. Unlike Shopify whose code is proprietary, Magento is an open source eCommerce web application. Now that we know some of the basics for each company, lets move on and see what they offer in detail. Magento comes out of the box with extremely powerful features built right in.