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Autism and Social Communication

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LadyHawke, aka Pip Brown, on why it's rather hard being her. Walking gawkily into the room, Pip Brown is a mess of crumpled urban-wear and ruffled blonde hair.

LadyHawke, aka Pip Brown, on why it's rather hard being her

Held together by a Patti Smith T-shirt, black leather jacket, hooded blue shirt, skinny black jeans and unlaced Doc Martens, Brown - aka Ladyhawke - doesn't exactly look like someone you'd go to for fashion tips. But she's fast becoming a name to drop in the music world, revered as much for her dress sense as for her 80s-referencing, melodic synth-heavy rock. "It's really funny, that style icon thing," says the 27-year-old New Zealander, now relocated to London. For a start, she says, she doesn't wear women's clothes, like, ever. "I have this thing where I refuse to wear anything made for a female because I don't like conforming to gender stereotypes.

And it certainly hasn't stopped Courtney Love and Kylie Minogue from becoming huge fans. At school back home in New Zealand, she was "a quiet, wallflower student" who "excelled at design and woodwork and arty subjects". Barack Obama and the 'empathy deficit' In 2011, researchers at the University of Chicago conducted a simple experiment to ascertain whether a rat would release another rat from a cage without being given a reward.

Barack Obama and the 'empathy deficit'

The answer was yes. After several sessions, the rats learned intentionally and quickly to open the restrainer and release the caged rats. The rats also repeated the behaviour even when they were denied the reward of reunion. Even more astonishing, when the rats were presented with two cages, one containing a rat, the other chocolate, they chose to open both cages and "typically shared the chocolate". For the researchers, the conclusion was inescapable: the rats were displaying empathy. Neuroscientists are not the only ones to see empathy – or its absence – everywhere these days. But can the solution to violence, cruelty and the divide between liberals and conservatives really be a matter of promoting a trait that we appear to share with rats?

The most common answer is by fostering greater perspective-taking. Autism, Aspergers, ADHD. A Teachers Guide to Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome (PDA) Introduction to ADHD. A3 PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome) Mind Map. A spark of insight into the mystery of autism. What is Asperger syndrome? Here we explain more about Asperger syndrome - a form of autism - including the three main difficulties that people with Asperger syndrome share, how many people have the condition, and what may cause it.

What is Asperger syndrome?

As soon as we meet a person we make judgements about them. From their facial expression, tone of voice and body language we can usually tell whether they are happy, angry or sad and respond accordingly. People with Asperger syndrome can find it harder to read the signals that most of us take for granted. This means they find it more difficult to communicate and interact with others which can lead to high levels of anxiety and confusion. About Asperger syndrome Asperger syndrome is a form of autism, which is a lifelong disability that affects how a person makes sense of the world, processes information and relates to other people. Asperger syndrome is mostly a 'hidden disability'. Social communication social interaction social imagination. Three main areas of difficulty. Guidelines for teaching students with Asperger syndrome in further education colleges. As well as behaviour, the areas of impairment will affect the thought processes that govern behavioural responses to the environment and responses to the demands made by people, and situations arising within this space.

Guidelines for teaching students with Asperger syndrome in further education colleges

I will briefly outline the triad of impairments and the specific characteristics of Asperger syndrome before continuing. Asperger syndrome is a condition which forms part of the autism spectrum, it is caused by a biological brain dysfunction. In order for there to be a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder, there have to be impairments in three main areas: - concrete understanding of language and formal, monologue type use of speech and a distinct difficulty in interpreting non-verbal forms of communication. - difficulty in relating on a social level to others, inability to read the thoughts and feelings of others; forming relationships is a problem area. Characteristics specific to Asperger syndrome - obsessional insistence on sameness, that is also imposed on others.