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studio52 audio production

Studio52 is a multifaceted media production and technology company with specialization in multiple domains all under one roof, operating fully functional operations in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and soon in Australia.

How can you use your IVR to improve your customer service - Studio 52. كيف يمكنك استخدام نظام الرد الصوتي التفاعلي لتحسين خدمة العملاء In this article, we’re going to share a few tips on how to do it using your IVR system.

How can you use your IVR to improve your customer service - Studio 52

Your IVR is the first impression your customers get from your brand. 9 On hold message ideas - Studio 52. 9 أفكار رسالة معلقة We live in an era of extreme competition.

9 On hold message ideas - Studio 52

For every business, customers have hundreds and millions of options. Giving Voice to Your Business Ambitions - Studio 52. إعطاء صوت لطموحات عملك The voice-over that companies choose to drive their messages home plays a crucial role in brand recall, information retention, and how their content connects with their target audience on an emotional level.

Giving Voice to Your Business Ambitions - Studio 52

With consumers spending more time indoors, consumption behavior is shifting. There has been a major uptick in the consumption of audio content. At this point, brands need to stay at the top of their mind and take advantage of this tremendous opportunity. The brands that deliver successfully against the new consumer expectations will position themselves for strong growth after the crisis abates. Grab Attention of Your Audience with Impressive Radio Ads - Studio 52. اجذب انتباه جمهورك بإعلانات الراديو الرائعة Amidst the rise of podcasts and audio streaming services, you might wonder if the radio is still capable of garnering any listeners.

Grab Attention of Your Audience with Impressive Radio Ads - Studio 52

But, the truth is radio is a thriving industry in the UAE. Engage your Callers with Telephone Hold Messages - Studio 52. إشراك المتصلين بك مع رسائل تعليق الهاتف In addition to being a great communication and grievance redressal channel, customer support services are also a great opportunity to engage your customers.

Engage your Callers with Telephone Hold Messages - Studio 52

The time for which the caller is on hold can be utilized by the company to educate, entertain, and promote their services. Think of these on-hold messages as an extra sales channel, who requires very less training but delivers perfect presentations every time. Mistakes to avoid in a Radio Commercial - Studio 52. Follow my blog with Bloglovin While other forms of marketing and advertising are on the rise, don’t count out radio just yet.

Mistakes to avoid in a Radio Commercial - Studio 52

And, all the more so when according to a recent report from Nielsen, radio remains one of the centerpieces of the media universe, reaching 92% of US adult listeners each week, more than any other platform. Audio offers a unique, intimate experience for listeners and the advertisers aiming to reach them. And as detailed in the latest Nielsen Total Audience Report, ease of use, variety of content, and cost rank highly among audio streamers. Audio Production: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started - Studio 52.

Sound or audio is more powerful than you’d think.

Audio Production: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started - Studio 52

Have you ever given it a thought, why do you remember obscure tunes from TV shows or ads for months at a time, yet struggle to remember what you had for breakfast just a couple of days ago? That’s because there is a strong cognitive connection between memory and sound. As one of our most powerful senses, sound can change the way we feel, take us back to a trip to our memory lane, and even inspire action. The reason why we are emphasizing so much on sound is because of the emotional connection it allows you to create with your customer. When a customer calls customer care in distress, a soothing voice works great in pacifying the customer. 5 Ways to Implement IVR Solution for Hotel Industry to Improve Customer Engagement - Studio 52. Communication plays a vital role in the hospitality industry.

5 Ways to Implement IVR Solution for Hotel Industry to Improve Customer Engagement - Studio 52

The success of a hotel thrives on customer relationships. Behind every customer service call, there is a real human who has a question or concern that needs to be addressed. That person needs to feel understood, heard and served. It might be easier to deal with just one, two, or 5 such callers a day. But, what do you do when there are hundreds of such calls and you don’t even know which calls are important? IVR Explained: Everything You Need to Know to Create A Positive Customer Experience - Studio 52. First impressions matter.

IVR Explained: Everything You Need to Know to Create A Positive Customer Experience - Studio 52

They can make or break your brand’s customer experience. And today, most customers look to self-service first, making it a critical touchpoint in the customer journey. Self-service can no longer be just “good enough”. The experience must make a powerful impact to meet and exceed customer expectations. This is where Interactive Voice Response (IVR) comes into play. Leading Dubbing Service Provider in Dubai. Give a deeper insight on the manufacturing stages, capture the whole process.

Leading Dubbing Service Provider in Dubai

As a former startup in the UAE, we particularly understand that going up against companies that are native to the local market can be tough. TIt’s important to localize your marketing outreach as it’s an effective way of specifying your content to the country you are in. Any successful global conglomerate will likely concur with the benefit of localization, translation and dubbing. Leading Dubai Radio Commercial Company. Since the rise of FM, the radio has been among the best advertising mediums that any brand can’t ignore because it’s been said that the Radio is 20% more effective at promoting and building brands than other mediums.

It is also one of the most effective and affordable advertising channels in the UAE. In Q1 of 2019, 93% of the total UAE population aged 10 and above tuned into radio every week. Leading Voice Over Services Provider in Dubai. Product benefits | Why consider voice over services: Voice overs provide narration to audio and video productions. Good voice over services help amplify the effectiveness of content, thus enhancing the overall impact of the marketing outreach. At Studio 52, we have groomed professional, talented and experienced voice over artists over the years, who are trained in more than 30 languages. Leading IVR Recording Service Provider in Dubai. Did you know that in the UAE, more than 4O% of people use voice search and voice commands in 2020? In fact, marketing guru Jeff Bulas once said: “marketing is 10% what you say and 90% how you say it,” and it’s for a fact, the TRUTH!

In marketing, the first impression is the last impression, making automated response systems the front doors to your business. This is why you need the best IVR recording solutions to help engage and impress customers while they are on a hold on-call or making inquiries. Choose professionals and talented voice artists to handle your IVR Message Recordings with engaging content and clear voices that will help psychologically retain your existing customers and even convert new ones. Leading Telephone Hold Message Service Provider in Dubai. 16-20% of callers make purchases based on the information they hear on hold. 61% of customers prefer phone calls over other sources of information when they need assistance or support. 69% of customers rate voice as the method that provided the highest satisfaction for receiving support. Did you know that 16-20% of prospective customers make purchases based on the information they hear on hold?

Here’s what a bad on-hold experience can do: 60% of the callers when left on hold in silence, would hang up in just 5-10 seconds! Leading Audio Production Company in Dubai, UAE. Have a script? Great! If not, draft with experts.