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HomePortfolio - Home Design, Home Design Ideas, and Home Design Products. Less is the New More: Making the Most of Small Spaces. Good Design For Living in Small ApartmentsAs people migrate to smaller spaces, good design helps a lot. This is something they figured out in Europe long ago, that if you don't have a lot of horizontal room you can go vertical. Tumidei in Italy makes some of the nicest stuff, like this unit with lots of storage under the bed. This unit just raises the floor high enough for beds to slide under. This one looks a bit clinical, but has two single beds plus a pull-out double bed in between. When you read in the New York Times that professional couples with children are moving into small one-bedroom apartments in Manhattan and sleeping in closets, perhaps this stuff could be useful.

None of this stuff is cheap, nor, as far as I can tell is it available in North America, but there are ideas here that demonstrate how people can share a space and still get a little privacy, a good place to work and a lot of storage in a very small envelope. More to see at Tumedei via: Unclutterer Like this? Stunning 18th century home hideaway in the Wicklow Mountains | 1 Kind Design. Make Room! Cool Color-Changing Walls for Your Home « Dornob.

This may be the best room-changing design idea since interior house paint: forget your white living room walls, green bedroom or brown kitchen and bring your favorite rooms to life with these incredible, changeable and colorful do-it-yourself pixelated wall displays. Feeling dark? Switch from colorful rainbow patterns to a pitch black surface in seconds. Want a bit of a flavorful accent? Spin the wheels again to display words or patterns of your choice. This ingenious pixel-perfect wall design renders paint redundant. Amirkhan Abdurakhmanov (better known as Amirko) has come up with this simple but dynamic wall decor idea for transforming an ordinary surface into a do-it-yourself design canvas that lets you set the tone (or tones) depending on your mood. Beautiful French Country House. Presumably the workplace of an artist and the home of a creative soul, this beautiful French country house is a treat for those with a keen eye.

Or those who enjoy the revitalizing mix of nature and the human mind. Cocooned in natural surroundings, this house has a rustic, pristine and a raw feel to it. Semi-clad in luxury, this French cottage is a dream home for many. With the option of working indoors and outdoors, the house inspires vision. A deliberate ancient touch is given to a few items that make the surreal feeling of ‘living in the years long forgotten’ very real. Truly, the work of an inspired genius, this place is more than just ‘home’.

If you come across stunning villas like these which you think need to be featured here at Home-Designing, please mention them in the comments. [Via] Dilapidated 18th Century Church Transformed Into a Private Home St Nicholas Church Home Renovation – Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World. Temptation. Every so often an email lands in my inbox from perhaps the cruelest man I know. Chris from Welcome Beyond dangles dream designs in front of me and it is all I can do to stop myself from hocking everything I own, jumping a plane and escaping to the hand picked boutique vacation properties that litter the pages of their website.

Chris has cruelly tempted me again with a Spanish beauty and oh the temptation! Alemanys 5 ... "located in the core part of Girona's medieval quarter, within the scope of the first wall and overlooking the Plaça de Sant Domènec, is the property Alemanys 5, whose original building dates from the Sixteenth Century. Its recent restoration integrates old and new, where sober and clean lines look for the enjoyment of essential elements such as space, light, shadow, fire, stone, water or silence. " Two apartments, "El Badiu" (The Veranda) and "El Jardí" (The Garden) designed by architect Anna Noguera. Thanks Chris for the link and double thanks for the extra photos.

