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26 Ridiculously Awesome Computer Generated Portraits. One of the great things about computer graphics is that literally anything is possible.

26 Ridiculously Awesome Computer Generated Portraits

Software such as 3DSMax, Maya, and Cinema4D are incredibly powerful, and when put in the hands of a talented user, the results can be breathtaking. Today, we have 26 ridiculously awesome computer generated portraits. From Captain Jack Sparrow, to the evil witch in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and of course, the Incredible Hulk, these computer generated images push the very boundaries of reality. As always, if you know of any other CG images that you really like, please share them in the comments. I love to hear from you. CGPortfolio - Serge Birault. CGPortfolio - Alexey Kashpersky. Proudly Designed BY SAIZEN MEDIA STUDIOS - 2008.