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HTML5, AngularJS, Backbone Mobile Service Packs. HTML5 for Web Developers. While they’re essential reading material for our job, the specifications are not exactly George R. R. Martin-level reading material. To make matters worse, the often-dry text (written for implementors, not authors) and…colourful illustrations come wrapped in a design straight out of 1999. Ben Schwarz, a developer in Melbourne, Australia, took matters into his own hands with a userscript to give W3C specs some readability. Ben then got on the WHATWG IRC channel: Within 10 minutes of joining the WHATWG IRC channel Ian Hickson had granted me approval to continue with my own build of the spec, targeted for web developers.

After a lot of hard work, with input and encouragement from the web’s finest (including Dr Bruce), Ben has released HTML5 for Web Developers. The focus of this specification is readability and ease of access. In addition to streamlining the content, it boasts all manner of freshly implemented buzzwords and technical trickery through the magicks of JavaScript and CSS: Handy! All Posts | Backbone.js Tutorials. Differences between TypeScript and Dart. Microsoft lance TypeScript, un sur-ensemble de JavaScript, en réponse à Google Dart. Microsoft répond peut-être à l'apparition de Google Dart en annonçant la sortie d'un nouvel outil de type JavaScript.

Effectivement, TypeScript est un sur-ensemble de JavaScript, les deux syntaxes se ressemblent fortement et tout code JavaScript est un programme TypeScript valide. Son auteur n'est autre que Anders Hejlsberg, concepteur du Framework .NET et chef de l'équipe C# à Microsoft. C'est tout d'abord un compilateur libre d'hébergement, mais il apporte surtout des fonctionnalités supplémentaires comme un typage statique, un système de classes et d'interfaces, une division en modules, la gestion de l'importation de fichiers, ou bien la distinction entre données publiques et privées. Bien entendu, TypeScript est adapté pour l'environnement de développement Visual Studio, mais il fonctionne tout aussi bien avec d'autres éditeurs, ainsi que dans divers environnements JavaScript (les navigateurs, Node.js, etc.).

Le site officiel et l'annonce sur le blog MSDN. Démonstration et vidéo. JavaScript and Friends: CoffeeScript, Dart and TypeScript | Something Somewhere. Why JavaScript Isn’t Enough? Example JavaScript Program: Dijkstra’s AlgorithmCoffeeScriptTypeScriptDartWeb Application DevelopmentECMAScript 6Conclusions Why JavaScript Isn’t Enough? This article assumes that the reader has a good knowledge of JavaScript and has done at least some development in it, but if this is not about you, you can just first refer to one of the beginner’s JavaScript books like Eloquent JavaScript.

JavaScript is an amazing, often underappreciated and misunderstood language. It has some really powerful concepts like functions as first-class citizens (see, for example, JavaScript: The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language), flexible prototypal inheritance and is a powerful generic programming language that can be used not only in browsers.

Despite all its power and flexibility the language has some well-known design shortcomings such as global variables, cumbersome emulation of lexical scoping, non-intuitive implicit conversions, etc. CoffeeScript TypeScript Dart. Vidéo TechDays 2013 - TypeScript for dummies | Microsoft TechDays'13. Beginner HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, Backbone, and CSS3 Resources. A Beginner's Journey I was recently approached by someone at a .NET User Group about how to get started in HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3, etc... The developer's primary background was writing thick client Windows applications. I figured the best place to start is to focus on the bare essentials and then work up to more advanced concepts and resources. I started to respond to the developer in an e-mail, but then I remembered what Scott Hanselman said in a recent post and video ...

"Instead, consider writing a blog post or adding to a wiki with your keystrokes, then emailing the link to the original emailer. " --Scott Hanselman So, I decided to make this blog post for the developer and also for anyone else who may be interested in similar resources. So, it is pretty obvious that you are going to need to learn HTML5 if you are doing to do front-end web development. Resources JavaScript Even if you think you know JavaScript it might behoove you to go back and learn it from the beginning. jQuery.