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Innovating Pedagogy. Following the model of development of the very successful Horizon Report, and in the vein of CORE's ten trends, the Open University have just released the first of a series of reports that explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. Innovating Pedagogy 2012 proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education. The report was produced by a group of academics at the Institute of Educational Technology in The Open University who first proposed a long list of new educational terms, theories, and practices. These were then pared these down to ten that have the potential to provoke major shifts in educational practice, particularly in postschool education. (They have not deliberately excluded school education, but that is not specifically the area of expertise of the OU).

A Video Lecture You Won’t Soon Forget: Video Games and Storytelling. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic. <div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> Daniel Floyd’s ten minute YouTube video, “Video Games and Storytelling,” is a video lecture you won’t soon forget.

Reminiscent of “RSA Animate – Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us,” about Dan Pink’s book “Drive,” this video by Daniel Floyd is the most intense, “rapid-fire” visual presentation of related images I’ve seen in a video lecture to date. Several clever visual quips in here, but you certainly have to pay close attention! Nástroje pro správu osobních bibliografií aneb jak si ulehčit život a šetřit nervy | Žádný stres a žaludeční vředy? Je 22:15, předvečer dne, kdy je stanovena dead line pro odevzdání bakalářských prací. Moje prsty jen lehce přejíždějí přes klávesnici a rychle najíždějí na stránku RefWorksu, který má brzy vyřešit můj problém. Situace, ve které se ocitlo již mnoho kolegů a studentů, může být pro někoho také tou poslední. Vytvoření dostatečně erudovaného a požadovaného poznámkového aparátu zabere i několik hodin, ne-li dní.

Avšak co mě dnes večer uklidňuje, je seznam všech zdrojů, ze kterých jsem citoval. Cože to ty nástroje pro správu osobních bibliografií vlastně jsou? O co jde? Informační společnost přináší nespočet potenciálních informací, kterými je nutné se prokousat, pokud se v nich nechceme utopit. Nástroje jsou zpravidla reprezentovány instalovaným softwarem na lokálním disku nebo web-based softwarem, ke kterému uživatel přistupuje pomocí internetového připojení. V mé práci jsem se zabýval dnes nejrozšířenějšími, nejznámějšími a nejambicióznějšími nástroji na trhu. S is for Stephen « Mind Mirrors. Kirkpatrick's Revised Four Level Evaluation Model. I had an interesting discussion with Clark Quinn on using Kirkpatrick's model in learning processes other than courses.

Clark argues that use of Kirkpatrick’s model is only for courses because training is the dominant discussion on their web site. I disagree and wonder if perhaps it is more of a “not invented here” hesitation because advancing concepts to the next level has often been a primary means of moving forward. It might sound good to forget an old model, but if you do not help people relearn, then their old concepts have a nasty habit of reappearing. In addition, training is far more than just courses. So after some heavy reflection I did a rewrite on my Kirkpatrick web page and have listed some of the highlights below.

While some mistakenly assume the four levels are only for training processes, the model can be used for other learning processes. 1. Reaction is not a good measurement as studies have shown. 2. 3. In addition, it aids the troubling-shooting process. Isaac Asimov - The Foundation Trilogy : Isaac Asimov. What You (Really) Need to Know. EDU.