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Facebook Twitter Web Fonts. Alltop - Top Semantic Web News. Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University " Aiming for th. Penn Olson. Redirect. Last updated: 2008/06/03 Return to the main page Introduction Here you can find the list with the standard set of fonts common to all versions of Windows and their Mac substitutes, referred sometimes as "browser safe fonts".

This is the reference I use when making web pages and I expect you will find it useful too. If you are new to web design, maybe you are thinking: "Why I have to limit to that small set of fonts? If you want to know how the fonts are displayed in other OS's or browsers than yours, after the table you can find several screen shots of this page in different systems and browsers. The list First, a few introductory notes: The names in grey are the generic family of each font. 1 Georgia and Trebuchet MS are bundled with Windows 2000/XP and they are also included in the IE font pack (and bundled with other MS applications), so they are quite common in Windows 98 systems. 5 These fonts work in Safari but only when using the normal font style, and not with bold or italic styles.