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5 applications à connaître pour votre stratégie de contenus visuels. En moyenne, un internaute a une durée d’attention de 8 secondes. Donc, vous avez plus de chance de faire passer votre message à un poisson rouge (qui a une durée d’attention en moyenne de 9 secondes) ! En tant qu’entreprise, vous souhaitez que les gens restent assez longtemps sur votre site Web pour qu’il s’engage et passe à l’acte d’achat… Les sites comportant des visuels ont tendance à obtenir de meilleures performances.

Le terme visuel est assez large, il peut signifier une image, une photo, une vidéo, une présentation, une infographie etc. Et si vous avez du contenu interactif, comme des vidéos sur votre page web, félicitations, vos visiteurs vont passer à 100% plus de temps sur votre site qu’auparavant, avec les tendances mobiles en plein essor. Un exemple concret est la dernière campagne marketing de Starbucks sur son profil Instagram qui a acquis plus de 2,3 millions de fans via ce média. Pensez-vous que seulement les grandes marques peuvent faire cela ? 1. Prix : Gratuit 2. 3. 4.


SEO. How to Optimize your Landing Pages. The New Visual Brand Ads: What Google Banners & Bing Hero Ads Mean For Search. In the past two weeks, both Microsoft and Google began testing display-style ads that appear on search results for select brand queries.

The New Visual Brand Ads: What Google Banners & Bing Hero Ads Mean For Search

Many see the introduction of these ads as a money grab to get brands to pay for traffic they would otherwise get for free, an assault on SEO, and the further “brandification” of SERPs that caters to large companies (and hurt smaller ones). Others see it as search maturing toward traditional advertising and a natural extension of a more visually-driven Internet.

Google’s test ads, called Visual Search Ads are simple banners that display above the brand’s organic listing and sitelinks. Microsoft’s Hero Ads In Bing Smart Search For Windows 8.1 — running for a small segment of Windows 8.1 users in Bing Smart Search – integrate call-to-action links and general navigational sitelinks with a large brand graphic. “Microsoft Hero Ads are ads within the interface based upon the exact brand being searched. 20 Do's & Don'ts for Clickable Calls-to-Action. Google To Upgrade All To Universal Analytics, But There's A D-I-Y Upgrade Tool Coming First. If you’ve been jonesing to upgrade from regular, old boring Google Analytics to the shiny, new Universal Analytics, Google has announced a new, two-step upgrade.

Google To Upgrade All To Universal Analytics, But There's A D-I-Y Upgrade Tool Coming First

The upgrade involves a new tool that will be available “in the coming weeks” in the admin section of all Google Analytics accounts. The screenshot below shows what it’ll look like. Clicking the blue “Transfer” button starts a 24-48 hour process. When that’s over, upgrading the tracking code on your website(s) completes the transfer and opens the website to all of the features of Universal Analytics. Whether you think you need Universal Analytics or not, you’re going to get it eventually. Our goal is to enable Universal Analytics for all Google Analytics properties.

For further information, Google suggests visiting the Universal Analytics Upgrade Center. Related Topics: Analytics | Channel: Analytics | Google | Google: Analytics | Top News. INTERNET MARKETING - ebg - Electronic Business Group.