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A member company of Strategic Public Relations Group, a leading public relations and communications network in Asia, Strategic DigitaLab is a full service digital marketing agency with a passion for the latest and greatest in marketing and technology. We are committed to delivering effective and efficient solutions that deliver the results you seek for all your marketing communications needs – big and small. Combining strategy, creative innovation and digital expertise, we turn impossible ideas into new realities.

Can your customers find you? 3 ways marketers can make social media a better place - Strategic DigitaLab. What if the social media realm were a real city?

3 ways marketers can make social media a better place - Strategic DigitaLab

If we were to look at it through the lens of psychologists — who claim that social media users are feeling psychological distress — we might encounter visibly sad citizens walking its streets, hiding their misery behind a smokescreen of VSCO-filtered selfies. Facebook, along with other social media companies, are taking the blame. Why most social media strategies do not result in revenue - Strategic DigitaLab. Every brand that aims to be relevant would boast of a social media presence.

Why most social media strategies do not result in revenue - Strategic DigitaLab

Look at any billboard, and you’re likely to find the Facebook “F”, the Twitter bird, or the Instagram camera icon, juxtaposed with the brand name, figuring prominently in the ad, almost as if the brand is sending the statement: “We, too, are living in the present.” Can your customers find you? Why Your B2B Campaign Isn’t Converting Traffic To Lead. In the past seven years of leading B2B campaigns, I have had the opportunity to work very closely with enterprise clients and tech teams on developing campaign strategies, content, landing pages, banners, and eDMs with lead generation as the key objective.

Why Your B2B Campaign Isn’t Converting Traffic To Lead

With the right strategy and assets, generating tonnes of traffic can be easily achieved, but converting traffic into qualified leads—then into opportunities and sales—remains a challenge for most B2B marketers. Here are some reasons: Dead or wrong links from traffic drivers to landing page. Why Top Companies Shift to Microservices. Account-Based Marketing for Satellite Solutions. Target Market Southeast Asia The Goal Asia-Pacific poses tremendous opportunities for this client’s unique solutions delivered by satellite technologies.

Account-Based Marketing for Satellite Solutions

The goal is to create awareness among SEA audiences and generate leads for further lead nurturing. The Approach The key challenge was to identify top-of-funnel leads who are showing interests in or are actively searching for the said solutions for deployment in Asia. Account based marketing was executed with an initial account list and further expanded into whitespace on multiple media channels.

Managing Huge Content with Headless CMS. The home of football in Singapore, our partner Singtel has the widest coverage of the most competitive football leagues around the world.

Managing Huge Content with Headless CMS

Ultimate B2B Account-Based Marketing Explainer. ACCOUNT-BASED MARKETING, or ABM, is having a moment.

Ultimate B2B Account-Based Marketing Explainer

In the 20 years that I’ve been in the industry, a significant part of it spent leading B2B marketing campaigns, only in recent years have I seen a record number of clients coming to our agency with a specific request: an ABM strategy. What is an ABM strategy? It’s a B2B marketing plan of action that uses highly targeted, customised campaigns that zero in on a specific set of target accounts, instead of generic blanket campaigns within a specific market. By combining efforts from sales and marketing teams, they can identify specific accounts in a specific market. This level of specificity and access enables them to engage early on in the game and thus get higher chances of closing a deal. That clients come in with this strategic approach in mind is nothing short of good news. INTERN’S BLOG: Shadowing the tech and digital marketing teams - Strategic DigitaLab.

Hello everyone, I am Cherrie Lim, a student from Singapore Polytechnic currently on an internship programme at Strategic DigitaLab.

INTERN’S BLOG: Shadowing the tech and digital marketing teams - Strategic DigitaLab

I have been interning here for two months. So far, my tasks involve campaign reports, campaign budgets, website testings, drafting surveys and post-survey analysis reports, competitive analysis, and social media content. In this blog, I will share my experiences working in a digital marketing agency, what I have learned so far and what Strategic DigitaLab has to offer interns in terms of learning. To better understand how the various teams work, I had the opportunity to shadow the different teams: I attended all their meetings and sat next to them to see their day-to-day operations. I tagged along with Mayank Kushwaha, Creative Tech Lead and Mark Sorne, Senior Digital Marketing Specialist who gave me insights and tips to succeed in this industry. 7 e-commerce forecasts Asia-Pacific marketers need to know in 2020 - Strategic DigitaLab.

As the internet becomes more enmeshed in consumers’ daily lives, seeping even into its mundane moments (in marketing, we call these “micro-moments”), e-commerce draws more Asia-Pacific patrons who embrace electronic transactions in the name of modernity and convenience.

7 e-commerce forecasts Asia-Pacific marketers need to know in 2020 - Strategic DigitaLab

Research provider eMarketer forecasts that retail e-commerce sales worldwide will reach USD 5 trillion by 2021. At the moment, Asia-Pacific (APAC) leads the global e-commerce growth charge, outpacing all other continents with a forecasted growth of 25% or USD 2.271 trillion, representing a whopping 64.3% of global e-commerce spending. The research also noted that six of the 10 fastest-growing retail e-commerce countries in 2019 hail from APAC, with India and the Philippines at the forefront with more than 30% growth; and China, Malaysia, Indonesia and South Korea trail closely. Should Brands Start Throwing Cheese. Never mind that social media sites require users to be 13 years old and above.

Should Brands Start Throwing Cheese

In this digital age, children—including babies—are both the subject and the target of content. And I’m not just talking about catchy tunes about infant sharks, or videos of toddlers running in soft morning light. The latest one to spread like wildfire across social media, sparking thousands upon thousands of imitations worldwide, does not call to mind halcyon summers of childhood but involves the intersection of infants and dairy. Not milk, but cheese. Cheese that is hurled onto a baby’s face. Digital Tool For Student Recruitment Case Study.

Target Market: Southeast Asia The Goal PSB Academy is an established Private Education Institution that offers Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes across five different disciplines.

Digital Tool For Student Recruitment Case Study

The school aims to drive lead acquisition across Singapore and Asia. Specifically for the School of Post-Graduate Studies, the school offers various Masters programmes. The idea was to help students understand their educational requirement and find out the best Masters programme for themselves. The Approach Targeting at a niche group of audiences looking at advancing their career and goals with a master programme, Agency created an online tool to help potential leads determine which Masters programme is suited for their profession and career goal progression. Digital Marketing for New Property Portal.

Target Market: Singapore The Goal DirectHome offers a great product proposition. Progressive Apps For Business. In an age where brick-and-mortar have digital equivalents—many of them apps—the traditional shopping centre has gone to the small screen. People now have the liberty to curate their own malls, handpicking only which stores, or apps, they want to keep on their phone, constrained only by the device’s memory. That said, it’s tough to get people to download an app—they are creatures of habit. In fact, mobile users in Singapore install 115 apps but only use 46 of these, according to The State of Mobile by App Annie. Hacking Growth for Singapore Kindness Movement. Target Market Singapore The Goal On the third year of the digital publication, the client sought to take the media platform to the next level of sustainable growth, specifically improving on search engine optimisation of the website, The Pride.

The Approach Historical data provided a good insight to what worked and what didn’t. Achieving Lead Generation Targets for PEI. Target Market: Southeast Asia. Strategic DigitaLab Insights. Chat robots are here to stay, and will improve in the near future. Cakes and Memories Bakeshop. Building Awareness for Dementia Case Studies. Content Marketing Case Studies For Cyviz. Why You Need Accelerated Mobile Pages aka AMP. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a technology whose goal is to render mobile website content nearly instantly. A stripped-down form of HTML, it has changed the game in digital marketing. Digital Marketing Insights. Digital Marketing Company Singapore. Case Studies By Strategic DigitaLab. SEM Services Singapore. SEO Services Singapore. Lead Generation Agency Singapore. Web Development Company. Growth Hacking Services Singapore. Content Marketing Agency Singapore. Mobile App Development Company Singapore. Mobile App Development Company Singapore.

Performance Marketing Services Singapore. Social Media Marketing Singapore. Digital Creative Agency Singapore. Account Based Marketing Solutions. Bespoke Digital Marketing Services Singapore. Digital Marketing Agency Singapore.