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Strata Consultants

Strata Consultants are Melbourne’s trusted and independent body corporate services broker established in 2014.

5 Key Roles of a Strata Manager – Strata Consultants. Started in NSW in 1961, the strata scheme has been followed in many countries across the globe.

5 Key Roles of a Strata Manager – Strata Consultants

All properties, be it residential or commercial, following strata living need a body corporate manager to take care of tasks related to the common property. The 5 Step Procedure to Change Your Strata Manager. Change is a good thing especially when you target it for improvements.

The 5 Step Procedure to Change Your Strata Manager

Similarly, changing the underperforming strata manager with an efficient manager is a wise move. Often, owners corporations face this challenge when the strata manager they hired fails to deliver the extent of management required to efficiently manage a property. Due to the high stakes involved, there is no point in continuing with and paying for the mismanagement. For your convenience, we have listed the procedure involved in changing your existing strata manager. 5 Steps to Change Your Existing Strata Manager 1. The first most important thing is to know if every member of the body corporate accepts that there is a need for change. 2. There may be a particular area of your shared property that needs special supervision. 3. Strata consultants, along with your approval, draft a comprehensive tender document and invite proposals from qualified and approved managers. 4. 5. Like this: Like Loading... What is Strata Management - Medium. If you are a new home buyer, you must have come across terms like Strata and community living, etc.

What is Strata Management - Medium

Let us today help you understand these terms, their advantages and the way you can make the most of them. Strata is an arrangement to better define ownership of properties. Devised in Australia in 1961, Strata is now being followed the world over. It defines that a person is the sole owner of an individual property, called a lot, which can be anything from an apartment, a tenement or a townhouse. While the ownership of the common property such as foyers, corridors, gardens, gymnasium, swimming pool, etc., is shared by all the individual owners. This is particularly helpful in the community residential living schemes, where several amenities and large areas need to be taken care of. Understanding Strata and Strata Management. If you are a new home buyer, you must have come across terms like Strata and community living, etc.

Understanding Strata and Strata Management

Let us today help you understand these terms, their advantages and the way you can make the most of them. Strata is an arrangement to better define ownership of properties. Devised in Australia in 1961, Strata is now being followed the world over. It defines that a person is the sole owner of an individual property, called a lot, which can be anything from an apartment, a tenement or a townhouse. While the ownership of the common property such as foyers, corridors, gardens, gymnasium, swimming pool, etc., is shared by all the individual owners. This is particularly helpful in the community residential living schemes, where several amenities and large areas need to be taken care of.

What is an Owners Corporation Management? Do I have to be part of an Owners Corporation?

What is an Owners Corporation Management?

If you own a property affected by an Owners Corporation (formerly known as Body Corporate) then you automatically become a member of that Owners Corporation. Why Victoria Body Corporate Services Landscape is Changing? In the years and decade prior to the Owners Corporations Act 2006 coming into effect, Victoria had experienced an influx of a motley crew of so-called ‘body corporate services managers’.

Why Victoria Body Corporate Services Landscape is Changing?

The previously legislative landscape was not onerous and that became the basis for a lot of real estate agents, bookkeepers, accountants, and others to offer an additional side business of providing Victoria body corporate services. Where body corporate services companies make their money? Most Committees and owners when they want to re-assess their body corporate services company will ring around 3-4 companies and get a number of quotes.

Where body corporate services companies make their money?

What they’re left with and presented with is a set of essentially 2 figures: The management fee (which is for the provision of professional body corporate services); andThe disbursement fee (which covers the management company for printing, postage etc.). But what about the extra bits and bobs on top? The “Schedule 2.2 and Schedule 2.3” charges? “Work order” fees per work order? “Archive and storage fee”? “Annual compliance fee”? Is It Hard to Be A Body Corporate Services Management Professional? Body corporate services management is an industry with a particularly high turnover of staff.

Is It Hard to Be A Body Corporate Services Management Professional?

We had a client in Elsternwick that was managed by one of Melbourne’s large management companies – the 5 different managers in less than 2 years! The Committee was understandably frustrated and annoyed at having to re-educate and update the manager on what was happening at the building, only to have to repeat the process months later with another manager. How to Change Body Corporate Manager? Service, Service and Service.

How to Change Body Corporate Manager?

You are terminating a Owners Corporation Manager who did not ensure that your building maintenance was performed in a cost-effective and timely fashion, and who did not respond to the owners requests. Check references, and study applicants service contracts carefully to ensure you don’t end up with the same problem again. Your contract needs to itemise all the services they will provide – and you should be wary of any Manager who does not itemize all the areas of concern in their initial contract. Body Corporate Services Melbourne.