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Darien_gap comments on Getting Out and What It Means To Me. Xorawrox comments on How do you guys get organized? FearMeForIAmDan comments on What would you say is "Must get" Software? Inkedexistence comments on New here, just starting my first book! A few questions.. She is 42 years old : pics. Cupnoodlefreak comments on What if the prophet Mohammed was never born? Rtheone comments on IWTL a new talent with real-life application that requires little to no equipment. Urizen23 comments on What is the most overlooked or least-known important point about Tolkien's writing? Special Mod Announcement: Al Jazeera wants the Reddit community's live opinion on tonight's Presidential Debate! Click here! : politics.

Quasicrystal - a structure that is ordered but not periodic. A quasicrystalline pattern can continuously fill all available space, but it lacks translational symmetry. : pics. Gigfi - Your local playlist. TES:VI Survey Results. Time to get classy. Wallpapers. Wallpapers! Mostly geeky/nerdy stuff nothing too artsy. : pics. What is an awesome, little-known website that you want other people to visit? : AskReddit. What's your favourite free game/software that you think everybody should know about? : AskReddit. Life Hacks Collection Part 1. [UPDATE] I was requested to compile all of the real-life cheats into an easy to read list. : AskReddit. After 5 years of surfing reddit, these are my favorite discoveries... Shappie comments on nzbmatrix is now closed :( NaiDriftlin comments on Procrastination is literally killing me. HiddenText comments on When I was 6 yrs old, this book was fucking incredible. NMW comments on AskHistorians Master Book List II. Haakon666 comments on Providing tech support to telemarketers for fun and justice.

Thisisamatt comments on Carrying the conversation. Jinkie comments on Looking for a mac and cheese recipe that's CHEESY. Slinkytechtom comments on It's... it's just not worth it. Jessek comments on What is something you think everyone should have installed on their computer or laptop? ImNotJesus comments on I m a nutritionist. I often over hear people talk about nutrition like they are an expert, but they couldn't be farther from the truth. Reddit, what are some things in your profession that the lay person gets wrong? Froolow comments on Got mugged after the game tonight around 9th and Neil-ish, make sure you've got a buddy walking you home!

The_Zombie_Jesus comments on A night of pizza!