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NASA INDEX. NASA MISSIONS. Solar Warden Update: Alternate space program confirmed? Numerous researchers after discerning discrepancies in the public consumption shield have dug deeply into the history of the secrecy in order to understand how it originated, why it exists, and who created it and currently runs it.

Solar Warden Update: Alternate space program confirmed?

Joseph P Farrell's work Nazi International poses some very interesting questions backed by a literal mountain of documents dating from WWII and running clear up to present where more recent researchers have contributed. He compares his contexting of postwar Nazi activities against Richard C Hoagland & Mike Bara's book Dark Mission and says "the implications are stunning, and chilling. " Farrell reiterates words by his colleagues that essentially says that NASA is a "co-opted organization" and that "it is not and was never intended to be at its innermost core and highest levels, a civilian agency. " ALERT* U.F.O. Next To Our Sun! *ALERT* Apollo 18 Trailer 2011 HD.