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Python Regular Expressions - Educational Materials. Regular expressions are a powerful language for matching text patterns. This page gives a basic introduction to regular expressions themselves sufficient for our Python exercises and shows how regular expressions work in Python. The Python "re" module provides regular expression support. In Python a regular expression search is typically written as: match =, str) The method takes a regular expression pattern and a string and searches for that pattern within the string. If the search is successful, search() returns a match object or None otherwise.

Str = 'an example word:cat!! ' The code match =, str) stores the search result in a variable named "match". The 'r' at the start of the pattern string designates a python "raw" string which passes through backslashes without change which is very handy for regular expressions (Java needs this feature badly!). Basic Patterns a, X, 9, < -- ordinary characters just match themselves exactly. Basic Examples findall. Coderbyte | Practice programming with our programming & game challenges. Introduction to Classes. Google Python Class Day 1 Part 2. Tutorial C++ HOW TO HACK any game TUTORIAL [Trainer & DLL Injection] DIFFICULTY [2/10]